Boys' water procedures differ only in the process of washing the genitals. All other actions are exactly the same with bathing a girl. Before taking a bath, study the opinions of different doctors about washing boys - the views of experts on this process are completely different, and sometimes directly opposite.

Step 1
Start bathing your baby only when the umbilical wound is overgrown. The first water procedures are best organized in a baby bath. Wash it thoroughly before using. It is advisable to clean the bath not with chemicals, but with ordinary soda. After a couple of weeks of bathing, it will be possible to arrange a swim in an adult bath - here the baby will be able to freely move his arms and legs. And this is a good exercise.
Step 2
Start with the so-called "adaptive bathing" - dip the baby into the bath in the diaper. So he will react more calmly to the change in the environment around him. Before immersion, measure the water in the bath - it should be exactly +37 degrees.
Step 3
If the child has irritation on the bottom, you can add a decoction of the string to the water. The rest of the herbs pediatricians advise to use with caution - the baby may develop allergies.
Step 4
Hold your baby firmly while bathing. Place the back of the baby's head on the forearm of your hand, and grab his shoulder with your brush. Smile and talk to the baby. You can sing him a song. Use your free hand to wash the baby. Bathing foams and soaps are sufficient a couple of times a week to avoid washing away the skin's natural protective layer.
Step 5
Some doctors are sure that when washing boys, including newborns, you need to move the foreskin a little and wash the head of the penis. To prevent infection. Other experts believe that it is harmful to push back the foreskin in infancy. Firstly, it can be damaged - it will only open completely by 3 years. Secondly, there is a possibility of infection. If you still decide to wash "there" - do not overdo it. Do not try to expose the small organ too much and do not use soap. Better yet, add chamomile tea to the bath.
Step 6
At first, do not bathe your baby for more than 10 minutes. During this time, add warm water to the tub to keep the baby from freezing.