The first analogs of the nimbler appeared long ago. Previously, it was not sold in stores and our mothers and grandmothers made something similar themselves. Used for this, as a rule, gauze. Pieces of food were placed in it, then the cloth was tied and given to the child.

In our time, there is no shortage with a choice of convenient devices for the baby. On the contrary, due to the large number of offers on the children's goods market, parents often wonder what to look for when buying.
Nimblers may differ in the shape of the handle and the material from which the mesh is made. Pay attention that the handle is grooved and rubberized. Such a device will be convenient for the baby to hold.
The strainer can be nylon or silicone. A nylon strainer loses its appearance over time, darkens. It is easy to replace it by purchasing a new mesh. The silicone strainer is more resistant to wear and tear.
It makes sense to purchase a model with a lid. When closed, the nimbler will be protected from contamination. This option will be convenient to carry in a bag, take on the road.
Be sure to look on the packaging for information about what age the device is intended for. Some models are made for children from one year old, others are designed for an earlier age.
We choose a device that will be in close contact with the child. It makes sense to choose a nimbler, which is produced by a trusted company, as they say, "with a name." There are both foreign and Russian firms on the children's goods market.