The desire for women to look their best is driven in part by the desire to be sexier in the eyes of men. However, efforts often lead to opposite results.

Artificial beauty
The modern beauty industry offers many ways for women to look their best. So many that some of the fair sex are losing boundaries. As many procedures and tricks as possible do not always lead to the desired result and the woman begins to look artificial and non-sexual.
Of course, a lady needs minimal care, but her main goal is to look fresh and natural.
A man is unlikely to appreciate the skillful contouring of tonal means on your face, but he will definitely note truly beautiful, clear skin. Moreover, your partner may be genuinely bewildered by the obvious "tuning", for example, noticeable eyebrow tattooing, thickly painted lips, or complex patterns on the nails.
Most of all, a man in a woman can be annoyed by the obvious "deception":
- slimming underwear;
- push-up bras;
- hair extensions;
- false eyelashes.
Mom's position
The desire to please a man in everything is often dictated by stereotypes that are formed from childhood. Being a good housewife, cooking a variety of lunches and dinners, serving her husband in everyday life - girls adopt this model of behavior from their mothers and consider it the only correct one. Over the years, other "maternal" traits are added here. The wife buys clothes for her husband, takes care of him, begins to make key decisions in the family. Only an infantile and weak man can consider this normal.

This behavior is asexual. Perhaps the role of “mommy” makes a woman very comfortable in everyday life, but it completely discourages sexual attraction in her partner.
Physiological candor
There should be no secrets between loved ones - some women take this thesis too literally. If at the beginning of a romantic relationship you were embarrassed to just appear in front of your chosen one without makeup, now boldly press acne on your face, apply masks, dye your hair and shave your legs in his presence. Many go even further, such as having a conversation while going to the toilet.
Medical details are no less detrimental to relationships. A wife can describe in all details to her beloved husband her visit to the gynecologist, talk about the tests being taken, or simply state in detail the symptoms of her diseases (discharge, nature of pain, etc.). It is possible that this physiological frankness is associated with the desire to share the painful with the closest person. But still it is necessary to understand that sexuality is killing in the bud. Of course, one should not hide the very fact of the disease, but it is quite possible to refrain from medical details.
Excessive closeness
Many girls are taught from childhood to be mysterious and inaccessible. In most cases, this is due to the desire of parents to protect their daughter, to make sure that she does not let men near her for as long as possible. The result is often the other extreme. The girl grows up buried, unable to speak on frank topics, cold and arrogant. Perhaps this behavior can spark interest in a potential knight, but still it has nothing to do with sexuality.

In order to arouse a man to the limit, sometimes you do not need touching, inviting positions, or revealing clothes. "Chemistry" can occur already at the stage of ordinary conversation and eye contact. It is in this that men feel the special sexuality of their chosen one, therefore women lose a lot, killing in themselves emancipation and inner freedom.
It would seem that we are talking about elementary things, which are not difficult to observe. However, it is worth taking a look at men's forums to be horrified at how many women neglect basic hygiene. Bad breath, greasy hair, traces of sweat on clothes, stale linen - all this, unfortunately, occurs in women quite often. Such embarrassment negates even the most striking external sexuality. Many men are especially frustrated by the fact that a woman loses her grooming in the process of developing a relationship. Yesterday she fluttered around the apartment in an elegant peignoir, and today she walks in a stale dressing gown all day, neglecting the shower.
Demonstrating sexuality
Perhaps this is the main and most paradoxical mistake. You can learn about the simple secrets of seduction of a man from the first glossy magazine that comes across. This is not only about revealing outfits that the "hunter" boldly puts into play even in an ordinary office. The desire to demonstrate your sexuality by all means is what looks not only inappropriate, but also a pity. In their desire to win the man they like, the ladies too actively take the initiative, openly seducing their victim. Everything is used - from unambiguous hints to direct intimate proposals. It is possible that some men will not be able to resist such pressure, but this is not at all because the woman was considered sexy. The main result of an inept demonstration of one's own sexuality is getting into the list of accessible and obsessive women.