What To Do If A Child Does Not Eat Complementary Foods

What To Do If A Child Does Not Eat Complementary Foods
What To Do If A Child Does Not Eat Complementary Foods

Young mothers know how difficult it is sometimes to introduce complementary foods into a child's diet. The baby turns away from food, is naughty, requires formula or breast milk. With these methods, the child shows his mother that she is in a hurry and accelerates the natural process.

What to do if a child refuses complementary foods
What to do if a child refuses complementary foods

The idea of feeding children not according to indications, but according to age was realized in the USSR. Since then, young mothers have clearly understood: from four months old, you need to give your baby something else, in addition to breast milk and formula, regardless of weight. And there were problems.

Young parents complain that the child does not eat complementary foods, and are very worried in this situation. But the problem is this: the child is forced to do something for which there is still no inner readiness. Mother Nature is more literate than any textbook on motherhood. One cannot expect that a child at 5 months will be happy to gobble up boiled vegetables if his psyche and body systems are not yet ripe for this. Are you sure that your baby is ready for such a crucial step as complementary foods?

How to understand when it is time to introduce complementary foods

The introduction of complementary foods is as easy as possible if the child is ready for it. It is important to understand that the optimal time has come.

Your baby sits unsupported and demands real food in every possible way, not just dishes on the feeding table. The child is not nauseous if solid food particles end up in the mouth. The kid can independently take a piece of food and put it in his mouth, if he is full, he will be able to intelligibly refuse to eat. The child is healthy, he is not bothered by his teeth, but the rate of weight gain has noticeably decreased.

If all of the above reminds you of your baby, it makes sense to introduce complementary foods. It will be easy because it is timely.

The child refuses complementary foods - what to do?

To begin with, all parents must realize: if the child feels comfortable, there are no problems with weight gain, then it is still too early to introduce complementary foods. If the pediatrician claims that the baby is gaining weight poorly, you still have to feed the child.

Get the child interested in food: sit him down with everyone at the table, "tease" the aromatic smells of food, show how you enjoy eating, do not force the child to eat. When there is no pressure, there is a desire to try something from the common table. Be patient, it may not work like that right away.

Introduce your baby to different foods, with different food consistencies. Perhaps the child refuses to feed only because he does not like the taste of food, its structure. The baby's mouth knows only the taste and consistency of breast milk (mixture), it is difficult for him to switch to another food.

Let your child get hungry. If the baby is full, he has no incentive to try the food you are offering. Some pediatricians believe that 6 hours of hunger solves all problems with food refusal. A hungry child may not master the whole cup of vegetable puree, but he will still eat a couple of spoons. And this is a victory, because the main thing is to start!
