Up To What Age Does The Eye Color Change In Newborns?

Up To What Age Does The Eye Color Change In Newborns?
Up To What Age Does The Eye Color Change In Newborns?

Most often, newborn babies are born with blue eyes. Moreover, this does not depend on what color the eyes of the parents are. Heredity will manifest itself after a few months and then the color of the child's eyes may change.

Up to what age does the eye color change in newborns?
Up to what age does the eye color change in newborns?

Physiological features affecting the color of the iris

The main pigment that determines hair color, skin tone and eye color of any person is melanin. Its concentration has a fundamental effect on the color of the iris of the human eye: the more melanin, the darker the eyes. So, in brown-eyed people, the maximum concentration of pigment is observed, and in blue-eyed people - the minimum. To a small extent, eye color is determined by the concentration of fibers in the iris itself. A direct relationship is also observed here: the more concentration, the darker the eyes.

Albino red eyes are characterized by a complete absence of pigment, as a result of which the blood vessels contained in the iris become visible.

The amount of pigment in cells is influenced by a hereditary factor. Dark color is dominant and light color is recessive. In the world, the largest number of people have brown eyes, and the green-eyed representatives of the human race are the most rare, they are only 2% of the total population of the planet.

At what age does eye color become permanent

According to the physiological characteristics of the structures of the human body, pigment is produced by special cells - melanocytes. Their activity does not begin immediately after the birth of the baby, but after a while. Thus, the pigment accumulates gradually, day after day. That is why some parents note that baby's eye color changes almost daily. On average, clear changes in the color of the iris begin from the age of three months.

Most often, the final color of the eyes of the crumbs can be judged already at the age of six months. However, there are times when the change in the amount of pigment can last up to two, or even up to three years.

Sometimes complete heterochromia occurs in the body - an uneven distribution of pigment. This leads to the fact that the baby's eyes are colored in different colors. Partial heterochromia affects the color of different parts of the iris. At the same time, small differences in eye color are not very noticeable.

However, in the event of heterochromia, it is necessary to show the child to an ophthalmologist so as not to face the undesirable consequences of this violation.

It is impossible to predict in advance what color the baby's eyes will be. From the point of view of genetics, this trait is inherited according to Mendel's law: brown-eyed parents give birth to brown-eyed children, and blue-eyed ones - blue-eyed ones. However, only time can give an exact answer to this question.
