It is generally accepted that people change with age. Time does not pass without a trace for anyone, it will leave its mark on everyone. With age, both the appearance of a person and his behavior change.

Step 1
Aging is a natural process in the body. It will come, and no one can avoid it. With age, the human body begins to change. At the same time, for some people it can undergo minimal changes, while for others it can become completely different. The character of a person, as well as his behavior, changes.
Step 2
After 20 years, the brain begins to age. People's thoughts become more mature. If in childhood a person dreamed of sweets, toys and other benefits, then in an older age, requests become much more serious. A small child requires the unquestioning fulfillment of his desires. The teenager begins to realize that not everything in this world will be as he wants. An adult begins to plan something and achieve his goals, realizing that nothing will change if he does not put his own efforts into this.
Step 3
The appearance of the skin also changes with age. The first wrinkles appear around the age of 30. Women seek to rejuvenate their skin using various means. However, time will not stop - velvety baby skin gives way to smooth young, and then becomes wrinkled old. The face, and indeed the entire body as a whole, undergoes changes. Sometimes, having met a person after many years of separation, it is not always possible to recognize him. Time does its job and changes our body.
Step 4
With age, a person begins to lose muscle mass. After 40 years, vision begins to deteriorate. If a person saw well in his youth, then by the age of forty he will develop farsightedness. The skeletal system becomes less resistant to damage, and the male skeleton loses less minerals than the female. Men have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Atherosclerosis may occur.
Step 5
By the age of fifty, memory and concentration problems may arise. Hearing also deteriorates in 20 percent of cases. The risk of hearing loss can occur between the ages of 45 and 65. Due to the fact that the heart begins to beat more slowly, the person's hands and feet become colder.
Step 6
Having grown old, a person becomes shorter than his usual height. Posture will no longer be straight, and the body will obey so obediently. Some people become fuller with old age, the skin becomes saggy. There is nowhere to get away from wrinkles - they had to be fought with in youth, perhaps then there would have been fewer of them towards old age. But no one can guarantee this. Time does not spare anyone and it is impossible to stop it.