Children's Developmental Technique "Bukvogram"

Children's Developmental Technique "Bukvogram"
Children's Developmental Technique "Bukvogram"

The popularity of the developing method “Bukvogram. The unique development of Shishkova helps to increase children's attentiveness, communication skills, and literacy.

Children's developmental technique "Bukvogram"
Children's developmental technique "Bukvogram"

Correctional and developmental guidance was developed by a well-known specialist, candidate of psychological sciences Svetlana Yulianovna Shishkova. She created the design to develop phonemic hearing, spatial representation, motor skills, speech, children's math skills.

Justification of the methodology

The implementation of the system began in 1995. The teachers came to the conclusion that the technique contributes to the development of previously hidden children's abilities. The exercises offered in the course help to cope with speech defects, increase the literacy of writing, speech, and improve reading skills.

All tasks are focused on all-round development. In one exercise, several simpler ones are combined. The addressee can simultaneously learn colors and recognize numbers.

It is extremely rare for negative reviews to appear on the technique. Many people enjoy effective assignments. They provide answers to tough questions.

For many toddlers, it is a real challenge to sit still and listen carefully to the teacher. Thanks to the "Bukvogram", development takes place without visible effort in the game. Children gain self-diagnosis skills.

Children's developmental technique Bukvogram
Children's developmental technique Bukvogram

The technique is presented in textbooks and in electronic form. You can download the technique on the official website or purchase a book. The manuals developed by Shishkova contribute to the solution of important problems for both children and adults.

The system provides an increase in the improvement of reading techniques, the development of spatial thinking. Effective graphic dictations have been developed. They teach spatial orientation. After such tasks, children easily retreat a given number of cells in the right directions.

The methodology is based on traditional and innovative teaching methods.

System Description

Among the exercises there are tasks for the coordination of the body, letters, speech. During the period of the lesson according to the program, both hemispheres of the brain are active. Therefore, assimilation is facilitated and accelerated, ease of memorization appears.

Many educators, psychologists and parents are happy with the development. Experts use the program to practice in an easier and more non-standard way. They use the system at home.

There are no analogues of the technique. Therefore, she is recognized as special. The program is designed for children from five to fourteen years old. According to the author-developer, it is permissible to resort to classes from the age of three. They will improve the baby's knowledge.

Children's developmental technique Bukvogram
Children's developmental technique Bukvogram

Development has been tested in preschool and adolescent ages. Experts have come to the conclusion that even adolescents learn correct speech, writing and improve their reading technique. Therefore, the program has received recognition from both parents and teachers.

Almost all tasks are structured in a playful way. Therefore, students are looking forward to the exercises with pleasure.

The technique is unique in several aspects:

  • sensorimotor lessons;
  • activation of higher psychological functions;
  • focusing not only on children with problems, but also on improving skills and knowledge;
  • author's psychological development;
  • the opportunity to study at home.

During the course, children learn to sense and feel. They develop attention, memory, logical thinking, spatial representation.

There is no need to allocate an entire room for lessons. A small corner with pencils, pen and paper is enough.

Method orientation

More than one Shishkova took part in the development. Svetlana Yulianovna was assisted by specialists in the field of medicine and psychology. The course will accelerate the assimilation of the material by children of all degrees of development of abilities.

Children's developmental technique Bukvogram
Children's developmental technique Bukvogram

It is easy for all adults to practice this technique. Thanks to such exercises, children gain confidence, improve their knowledge. All babies need attention: they cannot learn anything without adults.

But there is a contingent of students who especially need such a development. So, for a retrained left-hander, academic lag is characteristic. For them, a prerequisite is the development of the right hemisphere of the brain.

If such a student attends a speech therapist, then he already needs classes according to Shishkova's method for the development and correction of speech. It is not uncommon for children to conceal violations. Schoolchildren hide the problem behind the use of long words and constructions.

"Bukvogram" promotes the development of attention and memory in babies. The development is conceived so that the kid can see all the little things, remember the past material.

Taking into account the future admission to the university, the program helps the assimilation of the necessary material in the shortest possible time and stimulates further development. Many parents dream of discovering the talent of their offspring. Each crumb develops in the direction it chooses.

Self-control skills are formed in five to eight-year-old children. Any kind of activity is useful to them. But it is important to learn to find your own mistakes. Therefore, it is necessary to teach self-control.

Children's developmental technique Bukvogram
Children's developmental technique Bukvogram

Finding the mistakes they made scares those who are unsure of themselves. They think they did their homework wrong. "Bukvogramma" helps to form the skill of self-control.


If the baby does not manage to control himself, then the technique suggests comparison with the sample. Not only wrong decisions are found, but conclusions are drawn. Then the learning outcomes improve.

Children don't overwork. Classes are held in an entertaining manner. "Bukvogramma" is designed to produce an even, beautiful letter in four months. Kids stop confusing letters, sounds, syllables.

The basis for success is the regularity of the classes. Confidence develops after the next lesson. The assimilation is faster than with the standard method. Teachers note that after the "Bukvogramma", the grades of many children are replaced only by high scores without tears and visible efforts.

However, among the mass of positive responses, there are also negative reviews. Some mothers condemn the development, as they believe that they have begun to communicate less with their offspring. According to the accelerated system, the baby quickly learns knowledge, therefore he needs less attention.

Some parents believe that a toy, not a program, is more suitable for four-year-olds. The preschooler will learn to read and write when needed. Therefore, there is no need for innovative developments.

Children's developmental technique Bukvogram
Children's developmental technique Bukvogram

This is stated by those teachers and parents who have not tested the methodology in group and individual lessons. Both opinions are rather controversial.

To increase the baby's interest in classes, it is necessary to prepare a personal space. It is easier for children to realize their creative potential there.

  • Be sure to provide a place for plasticine and clay. For babies under three, salty dough is more suitable for sculpting.
  • In the children's corner, there are places for mosaics, puzzles, a constructor, that is, toys that develop motor skills. We need materials and tools for applications.
  • Young children cannot be left unattended during this activity due to the high risk of injury.
  • In the classroom, you can not do without thick paints. They can be made by mixing starch and food colors with the addition of soap shavings and water.

Method of conducting classes

The material is pre-printed. Electronic manuals are not recommended for use if children are close to the teacher.

  • Tasks are arranged sequentially. It makes no sense to start with the third exercise and then go back to the first. This only confuses the little ones.
  • The results will be obvious only if the intended sequence is maintained. Each exercise is given no more than half an hour.
  • You should not rush things. If the material is not fixed enough, repeat it again after three or four hours.
  • New knowledge is absorbed faster with regular lessons. The maximum for consolidation is five days.
Children's developmental technique Bukvogram
Children's developmental technique Bukvogram

If the recommendations are followed, the results are noticeable after four months. The kid will learn to concentrate. The literacy of his speech will increase. Children will begin to learn new tasks more quickly.

Learning foreign languages is made easier. The student gains balance, becomes calmer. He learns to respect adults and peers.

The program teaches kids confidence, sociability, organization. Only teachers or parents will help to unleash the potential for the development of "Bukvogram".

It is not necessary to have a special education. It is only important to control your offspring, he will deal with the exercises himself.

The unique program helps to accelerate the assimilation of the multiplication table, the development of fine motor skills, and the formation of the skills of correct social behavior.

Children's developmental technique Bukvogram
Children's developmental technique Bukvogram

Adults are advised to periodically re-read the instructions to refresh their memory of its rules. Parents can be sure that the methodology will help the child in development.
