Rickets is a disease of the whole organism, which is accompanied by damage to the bone, nervous and muscular systems. The disease develops as a result of vitamin D deficiency and metabolic disorders. Treatment of rickets in children should be comprehensive. It is necessary to start therapy at the first symptoms of the disease.

Step 1
Treatment of rickets is prescribed by a pediatrician. Treatment and prevention should be pursued along several lines. Firstly, this is the use in the child's diet of foods richest in vitamin D. Secondly, it is the appointment of medications to replenish the deficiency of this vitamin. In addition, this is the creation of conditions under which all incoming vitamin D would be absorbed to the greatest extent.
Step 2
Good nutrition plays a vital role in the prevention and treatment of rickets. It should be balanced, that is, fully meet the child's needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as mineral salts and vitamins. Breastfeeding is optimal for a newborn baby. If the baby receives artificial feeding, preference should be given to the milk formula, which is as close as possible in composition to human milk. It is very important to introduce vegetable and fruit juices and purees, cereals, meat, cottage cheese into the baby's diet in a timely manner. This will help ensure an adequate supply of complete proteins. Avoid eating too much bread, flour products and fat, as these interfere with the absorption of calcium in the intestines. Mackerel, salmon, dairy products, butter, cheese, and egg yolk are especially rich in vitamin D.
Step 3
No less important is a properly organized daily routine and a sufficient stay of the child in the fresh air. For this, children need at least 2-3 hours daily. But it should be remembered that the skin of babies is very sensitive to ultraviolet rays, therefore, direct sunlight is contraindicated for children of the first year of life. Walking in the shade of trees is enough.
Step 4
When treating rickets, the use of vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus preparations is mandatory. The dosage and duration of drug therapy is determined by the doctor, taking into account the age and severity of the disease. Recently, doctors have given preference to vitamin D3 preparations, mainly its water-soluble forms (for example, "Aquadetrim"). They are better absorbed in the intestines and have a longer lasting effect in comparison with oil solutions. The correct calculation of the therapeutic dose is very important, since an overdose can lead to the development of hypervitaminosis D. At the same time, weakness, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, joint pain, convulsions, slowing heart rate, difficulty breathing appear. If, after several days of taking such drugs, the child begins to refuse food, nausea or vomiting appears, an urgent need to consult a doctor. After the end of the treatment course of vitamin D, the baby is transferred to a long-term prophylactic dose of 400 IU per day. In addition, multivitamin preparations are prescribed for the treatment of rickets.
Step 5
The complex therapy of rickets also includes massage and gymnastics, which are especially important for residual effects. As auxiliary methods, salt and pine baths are prescribed, in a course of 10-12 procedures. Salt baths are indicated for loose, obese children, and conifers are shown for nervous, thin, with reduced appetite.