As a rule, in a relationship, the period most saturated with gifts is usually called “candy-bouquet”. These gifts are not always distinguished by originality, so it does not take much time to come up with them.

But if the relationship continues even after this period, each new gift is a whole headache. Each time I want to jump more and more in the eccentricity of myself. There are some basic principles to help you make your gift memorable.
Surprise. Surprise always works flawlessly, even if the subject of your gift is completely ordinary. Present it in an unexpected place, in an unexpected way. Just unexpected! Don't wait for any special dates or holidays. No reason is needed for attention. Think in advance how you will do this. Learn, for example, a couple of tricks and arrange a real extravaganza from the appearance of your gift.
In addition, an ordinary gift can be made original and without a magnificent show on the occasion of its presentation. Let's say that the same rose can be dipped in sugar, after having covered it with varnish. You can put it in the refrigerator and present an ice flower.
If your significant other loves animals, then the whole world is at your disposal. After all, there are so many unusual animals and other beautiful animals in it. As an example, you can give a live tropical butterfly or clam with a real pearl inside. Wake up your fantasy!