Early development has become a real cult among modern parents. To be a good parent, you need to develop a baby from the cradle, buy expensive toys and take them to an early development school, because after three it's too late! Is it so? I'm afraid to disappoint, but this is all marketing. They play on your feelings and earn money. And the most important and valuable thing is not to buy, and you already have it - your love for the child.

I want to talk about how to get rid of the complex of an insufficiently good and caring mother, if you do not have free funds for purchases and paid classes, if you do not want to pay for what you can yourself, if you simply do not want to complicate your life.
First, if you are reading this article and are tormented that you do not attend all of the "required" classes (for various reasons), then you are already a pretty good mom. You worry if you're doing enough, you want to get better.
Second. It is not necessary to do everything that is written about on the Internet, to follow all the new techniques, and especially to repeat after neighbors and acquaintances. Every mom, I'm sure, has her own way.
Third, let's admit that a lot is being done and bought for children, not because they need it, but to throw dust in their eyes, so that they have something to tell their friends about in conversations. You have heard it a hundred times, a chorus of voices vying with each other: “Here we are! And here we have! You definitely want to live for others and race, who is the best mom? So I once decided that I didn’t want to. I have two children, home, work, creativity and many other things. Therefore, I will tell you about easy ways to develop your baby. And it will cost you almost nothing, and you need a maximum of 15 minutes a day.
Seriously, why drag the kid to some regular "Development" to the devil, waste time on getting ready, on the road, give money and do there what you can do at home without straining? With two or three children, you can put your whole life on it. But when you have more than one child and a pragmatic mindset, you immediately see where and what can be optimized. And at the same time, everyone only wins, both children and mothers!
What do children need?
For development, and not early, as they lure you in advertising, but timely, you need a few things:
- your love and interest;
- comfortable, safe environment, in particular emotional;
- freedom of movement and action, which means - no arenas for half a day;
- access to various materials for study - and these are all things in your home;
- stimulation of all organs of perception: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste
Simple and effective ways to develop babies
1. Play different music at home, sing and dance. So you develop the baby's hearing, introduce you to the world of music, and dancing helps to better control your body, develop a sense of rhythm.
2. Show pictures and name the picture. Every house has books and magazines, and if you invest in something, then it's in books. Babies up to two years old do not need a huge library and expensive books! Inexpensive books from the nearest bookstore, cards with faces, animals, objects (especially those that are not in front of your eyes every day) give eye work and enrich the vocabulary of children who do not yet speak. So you can get acquainted with flowers, and with shapes, and with all kinds of dinosaurs up to two years (if you want).

3. Let's play with any object in your house, except dangerous ones. Put the dangerous ones in the closets, and all the other household items are the best educational toys. Learning how to handle them, the child learns to handle them from their own experience. Millions of moms are convinced that spoons-cups-lids carry away more serious and deeper than specially bought branded toys. And the variety of textures is such that no igushka will give!
4. Develop fine motor skills - give small objects! You may be intimidated by the idea of giving your child some cereals, beans, pasta, buttons, or a mosaic to explore. Everywhere they write that small objects carry a potential danger. However, if you are near and in control of the process, this danger is only hypothetical. Playing with little things stimulates the tactile and at the same time the speech centers of the brain, and a child who has studied everything in detail will no longer try to shove it into his mouth.
5. Introduce your kid to the folklore of your people. There are many brilliant pedagogical moments in nursery rhymes, lullabies, pestushki, in fairy tales, which is why folk ways to entertain and develop children have survived to this day.
6. Talk, fiddle and hug more often, show joy and other positive emotions. So you charge each other, share love, show how to show feelings.
7. Learn to taste food, smell it, help you cook (chop, throw, stir, taste …). Discover new tastes and smells for your child. This will stimulate his sense of smell and taste.
How and when to study?

Wait, wait, not all 7 points a day and this is not a mandatory program at all! Simply, in the midst of business, find every day 15 minutes for active communication and games, and keep the rest in mind - music and dancing, or books, or sorting beads, or rolling cars. Do something from this according to your mood, without pressure on yourself. What you or your child do not like - do not do, no violence and fanaticism. Naturalness and pleasure are two key points in all activities.
As you can see, it is not difficult and does not require a diploma or money. I call this positive motherhood - a simple and natural method of raising children, cutting off everything superficial and costly, leaving only the important - love and connection. In fact, I am more than sure that you are already doing a lot of this, but did not think that this is what child development is all about. Early development is often a way to keep mom and baby busy and spend money. And the truth is, any activity with mom, no matter what she does, just to be there, is already developing.
Set an example in everything - our children learn best what we can do. And this is the connection between generations, the connection of the family that will support your child when he grows up.
I'd love to hear your comments!
Julia Syrykh.
Designer. Writer. Mother.
Author of the book "Positive Motherhood or How to Raise Children Easily and Effectively"