An increasing number of people in the world are changing their place of residence for various reasons. And one of the reasons can be a serious relationship with a foreigner. However, it should be borne in mind that getting to know him can be more difficult than meeting a compatriot.

First, decide how you want to look for a spouse or partner for the long term. If you do not have the opportunity to travel abroad regularly and for a long time, the easiest way out is marriage agencies and dating sites.
In the 90s, when the Internet was just beginning to appear in Russia, marriage agencies were the only opportunity for many women to meet a foreigner. But even now, such organizations are in demand - especially among women who do not speak foreign languages. For women, agency services are usually free, while men are charged a certain amount, which should confirm the seriousness of their intentions.
But even in an agency where men are paid membership, you are not immune from adventurers who do not want to meet for a long relationship. To attract exactly your person, try to reveal your inner world from the first letters, show yourself as an interesting interlocutor. You can also demonstrate your desire to have a family and children, but you should not overdo it with this.
You should be alerted if a man is going to come to you very quickly. Perhaps he is looking for a woman in advance just to spend time without obligation. If he calls you to him, there is nothing wrong with accepting the invitation. But it is desirable that the first time you live not with him, but in a hotel. This will highlight your seriousness and desire to get to know each other better before starting a serious relationship.
Whether it is worth having sex with a man during the first meeting is up to you. There is no single recipe for this. Your easy consent to an intimate relationship can be both a plus and a minus, depending on the personal beliefs of the man.
When registering on a dating site, pay special attention to photographs. If not a lover for one night, but a husband, you should not be photographed in overly revealing, transparent clothes and in defiant poses. Much better and more serious will look a simple portrait taken by a professional photographer, as well as some of the best amateur shots from your daily life.