Anything happens in life. No married couple is immune from cheating. Even the most faithful, loving husband can not resist a sudden surging passion for a young lady. And a wife, who yesterday the very thought of cheating on her husband would have seemed just blasphemous, may suddenly get carried away by the resort macho, lose her head. Speaking in dry legal language, in any case, "the fact of adultery is obvious." And now the unfaithful spouse is faced with a difficult question: should he confess to his “half”?

Step 1
First of all, think about the simplest question: why do you want to confess to treason? Answer it as honestly as possible. Much will depend on this.
Step 2
Are you tormented by remorse, there is a stone in your soul, and you want to remove it, repenting? A clear and reasonable wish. But think: if, having removed a stone from your own soul, you load it onto the soul of a loved one, will it be a worthy deed? Even if the deceived spouse shows generosity and forgives, he will still experience a severe shock that will not pass without a trace. And your relationship will never be the same again.
Step 3
Or are you brought up in the spirit that you should always and everywhere tell only the truth? But there is such a thing as a lie for salvation. In addition, one wise man said well: "What people do not know, they do not worry about that!" You don't have to lie at all, just keep quiet, keep this secret. And henceforth, try to behave reasonably without losing your head.
Step 4
Well, what if the spouse found out about the betrayal and it is pointless to deny the obvious? Much depends on whether you want to keep your family together. If so, assure that you yourself do not understand how it all happened, that it was some kind of insanity. The main thing is to try to shift the blame to "this shameless bastard" or "this obsessive scoundrel." After all, if the deceived spouse also wants to save the family, then, even while experiencing quite understandable anger and indignation, he will instinctively grab onto some circumstances that soften your guilt.
Step 5
If your marriage has already “burst at all the seams,” then, perhaps, betrayal was an understandable and logical consequence. And the best thing would be to be honest and frank about it. But try to behave with dignity, not stopping to ridicule, especially mocking comparisons of the intimate merits of a lover and a spouse. We must remain human in any situation.
Step 6
Be sure to tell your loved one how much you love him and do not want to lose. Ask forgiveness, invite to a romantic dinner. Remember how you were before and make changes in your life.