Sleep Postures Of A Person Will Tell About His Character

Sleep Postures Of A Person Will Tell About His Character
Sleep Postures Of A Person Will Tell About His Character

At night, a person takes the most comfortable position and behaves naturally, without hiding behind the usual masks. This is why some psychologists see a direct connection between true character, lifestyle and sleep postures.

Sleep postures of a person will tell about his character
Sleep postures of a person will tell about his character

People who prefer to sleep on their backs with their arms and legs slightly spread apart can be described as strong, confident, balanced and calm. They are often characterized by vanity, a desire to gain the respect of others, ambition, and purposefulness. In extreme cases, such a posture can speak of overestimated self-esteem and selfishness.

It is not uncommon for people who prefer to sleep on their backs to place their hands on their chest or stomach. This may indicate a desire to be protected, i.e. about less self-confidence and readiness for conflict.

If a person prefers to sleep on his stomach "in the pose of a star", i.e. stretching his arms and legs in different directions and thus occupying the maximum space on the bed, most likely, he is characterized by a thirst for power, a desire to conquer and hold his place under the Sun. Also, people who prefer this particular sleeping position are often distinguished by the sequence and thoughtfulness of actions, the habit of clearly following the chosen plan, and the preference for a good strategy over spontaneity.

Those who like to sleep on their stomachs with their arms outstretched can boast of punctuality and a high level of responsibility. They are demanding of others, but no less demanding of themselves.

Insecure people often prefer the fetal position: they curl up, pulling their knees up to their chin. This is a strong defensive posture that can talk about fear of someone or something, about the desire to find a good defender, about doubts about your capabilities. In addition, this option is often chosen by suspicious and dependent on the opinions of others. However, we must not forget about external factors: a person can automatically assume the pose of an embryo if he is frozen in a dream and wants to warm up at least a little.

Pose on the side - with both legs extended and bent - distinguishes confident people with an analytical mindset. A person who prefers to sleep on their side is usually reliable and able to remain calm even in extreme situations. It is easier for him to live in cramped conditions. Difficult circumstances, breakdown of relationships, dismissal are difficult for such people, but still much easier than those who prefer more "constricted" sleeping positions. Finally, they are able to adapt to different situations and easily get along even with conflicting people.

Particular attention should be paid to the position of the hands. If a person clenches his fists in a dream and holds them near his chest or face, this may indicate internal aggression, strong negative emotions that cannot find a way out, or the bad consequences of the stress experienced. If a person needs to hold onto something with his hands in a dream, most likely he is dependent on other people and cannot stand loneliness. Such people need friends and loved ones and can "dissolve" in close people. Hands extended above the head indicate passivity, while the habit of placing palms under the head indicates a desire to demonstrate their intellectual abilities and strengthen self-esteem through praise from other people.
