How To Find Out The Character Of A Person By Handwriting

How To Find Out The Character Of A Person By Handwriting
How To Find Out The Character Of A Person By Handwriting

The science of graphology deals with the connection of handwriting with a person's character. It allows you to determine by handwriting not only the mind, but also the level of emotionality, willpower, self-esteem and many other personality traits.

How to find out the character of a person by handwriting
How to find out the character of a person by handwriting

Features of writing letters

According to graphologists, the size of the handwriting indicates a person's sociability. For example, the owner of a large handwriting can easily find a common language with various people. He usually has many friends. The owners of small handwriting are often reserved and hidden people. Angular letters are inherent in selfish natures, and rounded ones are in kind and sympathetic people.

Strong letterpressing is a sign of perseverance and willpower. Pale, barely noticeable letters are characteristic of a weak-willed person.

Calligraphic handwriting is inherent in obligatory, neat, but dependent people. Correct handwriting is a sign of calmness and poise. Active, inquisitive natures with a cheerful disposition usually have a sweeping handwriting.

Illegible handwriting is characteristic of an energetic, carefree, but rather hot-tempered person. Solid handwriting (all letters in words are connected) is a sign of developed logical thinking. If not all letters in a word are related to each other, you may have a person with good intuition in front of you.

Features of fields and strings

The fields indicate a person's attitude to material values. Narrow margins are a sign of frugality, wide margins are a sign of generosity. If the edge of the fields expands to the bottom, it means that a person can be wasteful. And the tapering left edge betrays a greedy and stingy person.

As for strings, optimists tend to go up from left to right, while pessimists tend to go down. Straight lines are most often inherent in calm and reasonable people with an objective view of the world. Wavy, uneven lines speak of the cunning and shamelessness of their owner.

Signature features

Signature is of great importance. Sometimes even the hidden motives of the personality can be determined by it.

A standard, fairly simple signature speaks of self-confidence and courage. Ornate is inherent in cunning and observant people. A crossed out signature indicates energy and impulsiveness, and an underlined signature is a sign of enterprise.

Timid, self-contained people usually circle the signature (or at least a few of its letters) in a circle. A zigzag stroke gives off an unbalanced person, a stroke in the form of a line - an emotional one. The absence of a stroke characterizes an intelligent and calculating person.

It should also be borne in mind that handwriting may change in different situations. Much depends on the mood of the writer.
