How To Find Out The Character Of A Person By The Shape Of The Nails

How To Find Out The Character Of A Person By The Shape Of The Nails
How To Find Out The Character Of A Person By The Shape Of The Nails

Analysis of the shape of the nails is able to reveal the personality traits and abilities inherent in a person. You can distinguish square, rectangular, round, triangular, spade-shaped nails.

How to find out the character of a person by the shape of the nails
How to find out the character of a person by the shape of the nails

Square and rectangular nails

A man with square nails is endowed with extraordinary intellectual abilities and wit. They are reasonable, love to philosophize. Emotional manifestations are under their control, first of all they listen to the voice of reason.

The ability to think clearly allows people with square nails to successfully achieve various goals with perseverance and determination. They are not used to relying on others for anything, preferring to act independently. They make excellent advisors.

If the shape of the nails is rectangular, this indicates workaholism. Throughout their lives, they are characterized by some maximalism, they are inclined to idealize the world around them. Many owners of rectangular nails are too naive and trusting, which is why they fall into traps.

They are emotionally open people, kind and optimistic. Despite being too gullible, they achieve almost everything. They have an inner strength that makes them self-sufficient.

Pointed and round nails

Less often than others, there is a natural pointed form of nails. It is possessed by talented people, the desire to give this shape to the nail artificially also indicates a creative nature. People with such nails are distinguished by out-of-the-box thinking and creativity, emphasized spirituality.

These people are very vulnerable and dreamy, they love to observe the world around them, its beauty greatly impresses them. They have a hot temperament, they often do not have the patience to finish what they started. As a rule, the owners of pointed nails do not regard material goods as the main priority in life.

Holders of round nails are very emotional, manifestations of feelings are important for them. They are prone to idealization, believe in their ideals and ardently defend them. All kinds of manifestations of injustice or cruelty abhor their nature, therefore they will turn out to be successful peacemakers.

Triangular and spade nails

Triangular nails endow their owners with pedantry, sometimes unnecessary. These people tend to get painfully stuck on little things in an effort to exercise all-round control. They are also characterized by an unstable psyche and irritability, and are prone to emotional outbursts.

If the nails are in the shape of a shovel - expand to the top, such a person has an explosive character. His mood changes like the wind, he constantly needs love and attention from others. A man with spatulate nails is impatient and loves to compete.
