The assortment of dry mixes on store shelves is very large and you just have to make a choice. The rule "the more expensive the better" does not always work, and the little one will help to make the right choice. After all, there are different mixtures, specially designed for different groups of children and adapted to the characteristics of the child's body. A supervising pediatrician will help you choose the right one for your child.

Step 1
For children of the first days of life, an adapted milk formula is better suited. In its composition, it is the closest to breast milk and is easily absorbed due to the presence of milk whey. On the packaging of such a mixture there is a mark 1 or an age limit of 0-6 months. Most common: NAN, Nutrilon, Nutrilak, Hipp, Humana. For babies who have a good appetite and require more frequent feedings, a less adapted formula will work. Here, the level of casein, a hard-to-digest milk protein, is higher, due to which food becomes more satisfying. Such mixtures are also mineralized and enriched with vitamins, but there is no whey in them. This category includes Similac, Enfamil, Nestogen.

Step 2
The number of newborns with allergic reactions of various types is growing every year. For the nutrition of such children, special hypoallergenic mixtures have been developed. On the packaging with such a mixture, its direction is necessarily indicated, sometimes just by the GA (HA) mark. Most often on the shelves you can find: NAN Hypoallergenic, Nutrilak Hypoallergenic, Humana HA, Hipp GA, Frisolac N. If an allergic reaction manifests itself from lactose, then it is necessary to select mixtures from the category of soy. They are also presented in a wide range: Nutrilon Soy, Humana SL FrisoSoy, Heinz Soy Blend, Gallia Soy, Nutrilak Soy and others.

Step 3
If a newborn has frequent regurgitation and vomiting, then ordinary mixtures are not suitable for him, but thicker antireflux ones are needed: FrisoVom, Nutrilon Antireflux, Similac Izovok. Also, the cause of regurgitation and stool disorder may be problems with the presence of bifidobacteria in the baby's digestive tract. The deficiency of these bacteria can be replenished with the help of specialized mixtures: Nutrilak Bifi, NAN Fermented Milk, Semper Bifidus.

Step 4
In case of iron deficiency, the doctor may prescribe a specialized mixture that is additionally fortified with iron. Manufacturers have taken care of such children: Humana Folgemilch, Nenatan, Similac with iron.

Step 5
For premature babies, there are also separate formulas that will help them recover faster and gain strength. Blends such as Alprem, Humana 0, FrisoPre, Pre-NAN.