Recent polls of psychologists have shown that the fair sex often watches porn, although they are embarrassed to admit it. They even managed to compile a kind of rating of their favorite female videos.

There is an opinion that only representatives of the stronger sex watch porn, and the ladies treat it with disgust. In fact, this is not at all the case. Women study porn videos as often as men. Several years ago, a large-scale study was carried out that showed which films for adults girls love.
Leader - lesbian porn
If in real life young ladies often do not like other representatives of the fair sex, then in the porn world everything is different. These films turned out to be favorites among the spectators. Interestingly, the latter are mostly heterosexual.
The main reason for such a love of women for lesbian videos is the gentle and attentive attitude of sexual partners to each other. If in a classic film a girl can be actively "used" by several men at once to satisfy their own needs, then between two ladies in the cinema everything is different. Long foreplay, gentle kisses and strokes, romantic whispers in each other's ear - all this is liked by most women.

In addition, many porn actresses are beautiful, well-groomed, athletic. But when choosing men for filming, they often pay attention to the size of the penis, endurance, than to their appearance. For this reason, the commercials often do not show the faces of young people. The emphasis is on girls. In lesbian porn videos, everything is as beautiful and pleasing to the eye as possible: two charming slender young ladies enjoy sexual intercourse with each other. Unattractive hairy legs or a red sweaty face without makeup will definitely not get into the frame.
Looking at sex between lesbians, women are often more aroused, as it is easier for them to imagine themselves in the shoes of actresses. Girls know their body, their desires and needs well, so they understand every step of the actresses, every move.
It should be noted that the lady will definitely not become a lesbian by watching thematic videos. But he will get a lot of benefits - he will learn to better understand his body, learn about new erogenous zones and ways of sexual satisfaction.
Videos with a plot
The second place in popularity among women is occupied by porn videos with a plot. Today, such films are presented in a huge assortment. There are even fascinating erotic tales among them. The fair sex likes to follow the development of the plot, which in the end logically leads to sex, and not immediately watch the porn scene without any foreplay. Everything is like in life.
According to the survey, the more complex the script of the video, the more the woman is interested in it. The details and even the emotions of the actors are important to the fair sex.
Hard porn
Surprisingly, the third place in the female ratings was not at all romantic erotic videos without penetration, but hard rough porn. Only being alone with a psychologist or in anonymous polls, the fair sex are ready to admit that they do not always like tenderness and hour-long gentle kisses. From time to time, most women want to feel at the mercy of a strong man who will show her what real passion is. No wonder the books and films "50 Shades of Gray" instantly became popular all over the world.

Not every girl is ready to discuss the topic of sex with her chosen one. It is often difficult for ladies to admit to their beloved that in fact she dreams of being rudely taken by the hair or spanked. Therefore, such desires have to be realized exclusively in fantasies, turning to thematic porn videos for help.
"Hard porn" is not at all videos with torture of women, strangulation and other perversions. This is exactly an easy BDSM without pain, blood, humiliation.
It should be remembered that only occasionally do girls watch porn videos as a substitute for real sex. More often, such films are chosen by ladies for the correct mood before intimacy, to increase arousal. Therefore, a man should not worry if he found his chosen one doing such an activity.
Scientists managed to establish an interesting fact - women are more likely to watch porn while they do not have children. After the appearance of the first child, many ladies even completely exclude such videos from their lives.