How To Schedule Conception

How To Schedule Conception
How To Schedule Conception

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Quite often it happens that no matter how spouses try to conceive a child, they fail. Therefore, you have to calculate special days on which the probability of pregnancy is highest. This is the day of ovulation, as well as 2-3 days before and after it.

How to schedule conception
How to schedule conception


Notepad, pen, thermometer, calendar, ovulation test


Step 1

Use the calendar method. This method is the simplest and most cost-free, however, it is only suitable for those women who have a regular menstrual cycle. For example, in women with a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs on day 14, that is, 2 weeks before the onset of the next menstruation. There is a small nuance here - ovulation always occurs fourteen days before the onset of menstruation, thus, for a woman with a cycle of 30 days, it will come on day 16 after the next bleeding, and for a girl who has her periods with a 26-day interval - on day 12 …

Step 2

Measure your basal temperature. The essence of the method is simple - you need to measure the body temperature in the rectum every day, before you get out of bed. It is very important that the thermometer is always at hand. According to the revealed data, graphs are built. On the day of ovulation, the temperature drops slightly, and the next day, on the contrary, rises (by 0, 2-0, 4 degrees) and lasts until the onset of menstruation.

Step 3

Use a tactile method. This method is suitable only for observant women. Scientists have found that during ovulation, the mucus becomes less viscous, thereby, as it were, helping the sperm move along the cervix.

Step 4

Use ovulation tests. Such tests can be purchased at any pharmacy, although their cost cannot be called low. One package contains five test strips at once, allowing you to determine pregnancy at home. Those that determine ovulation also show one (no ovulation) or two stripes (ovulation has occurred), the work of such tests is based on determining the level of hormones in the woman's urine, which increase sharply on the day the egg is released. As ovulation approaches, the second bar becomes brighter. These tests must be used daily. The best time to conceive is the day when both stripes are most intensely colored.
