Most of our compatriots know very well that the best way to emigrate to France is to marry her subject. Indeed, French immigration law is extremely loyal to the issue of spousal reunification and tries not to obstruct loving hearts in any way. Therefore, for many residents of the former CIS countries, the opportunity to become a French woman through marriage is very attractive. The only difficulty is finding a French husband.

Step 1
If you intend to successfully marry a Frenchman, you will have to tune in to a fairly long and serious job. You should not count on a happy accident here - it may never happen. But if you plan everything correctly, develop an effective strategy and strictly follow it, everything will definitely work out.
Step 2
First of all, determine for yourself what exactly you need. Marriage can be both real, based on mutual feelings, and fictitious. In the second case, you will need serious financial resources. In addition, this option is quite risky and everything can collapse at any moment. Therefore, if you are determined to become a French wife, you better focus on marriage for love or at least some mutual sympathy.
Step 3
The second point with which you have to figure it out: where, in fact, to look for a future husband. Fortunately, things are doing quite well here. A fairly large number of men from Western Europe, including those from France, are single and in search of their other half. All that is required of you is to be in their field of vision and convince that you are the most suitable candidate. Here you can act both independently and by contacting one of the many marriage agencies.
Step 4
If you decide to contact an agency, keep in mind that in this case you will need to shell out a decent amount of money for services and be patient. But in the agency, experienced matchmakers will advise you on the winning line of behavior, advise you on how to dress and comb your hair, help with translations, make a good photo session and organize at least several meetings with potential suitors. At the same time, marriage agencies do not guarantee anything and you can waste your time and money if you are unlucky or not active enough.
Step 5
If you decide to act on your own, the main things you need are good photos of your happy, smiling face, and a computer with internet access. On the Internet, first of all, you are looking for dating sites for Russian women with foreigners. Do not grab the first site you see that has dropped out in the search results. Find at least 3-4, walk around them, take a closer look at the profiles of visitors. Choose two or three sites that seem the most serious and attractive to you. Create accounts on them and upload photos. In the profile description, try to tell more about yourself: your interests, hobbies, preferences, your professional activities, your expectations from your future partner.
Step 6
After receiving the first responses, choose the characters you like the most and try to start an active correspondence with them. It is the correspondence that will allow you to both get to know a potential partner better and show your human qualities. If you have problems with the French language, find a qualified translator. Mutual understanding is very important from the very first days of acquaintance. Try to make acquaintance with several promising candidates at the same time and until you are not firmly convinced that your future partner has already been found, keep correspondence with all of them. This will allow you to have a wide enough choice and avoid wasting time if any of the relationship goes wrong.