In the female imagination, a French man is a fairy-tale prince from a magical land of love and romance. Perhaps in life the French are not so impeccable, but they really cannot take away their gallantry, elegance and charm. That is why so many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity secretly cherish the dream of meeting an ardent Frenchman.

Step 1
In today's fast-paced world, in order to meet a Frenchman, it is not at all necessary to go on a tour of France. The Internet enables thousands of men and women from different parts of the world to meet, communicate and even fall in love with each other.
Step 2
When registering a profile on a dating site, you must remember: the first thing a man sees is, of course, a photo. Slavic appearance has captivated the hearts of foreigners for many centuries in a row, so it makes sense to show yourself in all its glory. But here it is important not to overdo it. Exquisite taste is a feature not only of French women, but also of French people. Everything too catchy, bright and defiant is alien to them. French men, like no one else, feel the line between sexuality and vulgarity. To attract the attention of this esthete, the photo should be natural, without unnecessary retouching, makeup - skillful but not excessive, clothes and accessories - simple but stylish.
Step 3
In addition to the obvious advantages, online dating also has some disadvantages, in order to avoid them and not waste time, you can use the help of professionals and contact an international marriage agency. They will help you create the desired image, take a professional photo, and draw up the correct profile. In addition, they already have some information about this or that foreigner available in the database, which means that the risk of choosing a pig in a poke is somewhat reduced.
Step 4
Through whatever the acquaintance took place, in order for it to be successful, it is necessary to know some of the characteristics of French men. They are very easy-going and frank in communication. Already at the first meeting (or conversation), the Frenchman will easily tell the girl the main details of his biography - where he was born, studied, works, will say a few words about the family. Naturally, he will want to know the same information about her. Therefore, you should not close and dodge such questions.
Step 5
Another feature is that the French are great patriots. Everything French is sacred for them and out of competition. Having serious plans for such a man, it is better to learn and plunge into the peculiarities of the culture and traditions of this country. The Frenchman will definitely note and appreciate such knowledge.
Step 6
Men in France are quite loving, it is not easy for them to make the decision to get married. But when they decide to start a family, they put it first. The French are excellent husbands. A strong family for them is a reason for pride and an opportunity for self-realization. They love and appreciate comfort, delicious cuisine, but the wife's appearance plays an important role. The French are aesthetes, you shouldn't forget about it. Having stopped admiring his wife, he can start looking for beauty on the side.