Seven years of legal marriage is a copper or wool wedding. Still ahead, but the wool is prickly and the copper is not strong. This makes sense that everything is in the hands of the young, who will be forged and formed from their relationship, depends only on them.

Anniversary symbols: copper and wool
Copper is a very light metal to be melted and this is symbolic. Having lived together for seven years, the couple have already learned each other well. Many families have children. And yet, according to statistics, after seven years of marriage, the most divorces occur. It is not for nothing that this date is called the copper and wool wedding. Copper conducts electricity, that is, the relationship between spouses sparks from misunderstandings and quarrels. And at the same time, copper is a very plastic material and every couple has the opportunity to mold or build their own relationship.
A seven-year anniversary is a lot, but there is also a barb in a relationship, it is also jealousy, which corresponds to wool. Wool pricks, but it also warms, creates coziness to which you want to return. This period in life has a name - the crisis of monotony. Everything in your life is stable, you already know your wealth, distribute the budget and make plans for six months in advance. The husband does not bring flowers so often (if at all), you, in turn, meet him from work in curlers, and not with a romantic dinner. The conclusion suggests itself - everyday life has sucked you into the swamp.
And yet, about the good: no one except you knows better what to cook for your loved one for dinner so that he can run home from work. What a surprise to give a wife to see a smile on her face. You have been together for a long time and only you know how to give each other pleasure and joy.
What to give
In the old days, it was believed that the metal ringing scares away all evil spirits, misfortunes and evil spirits, because it looks like a bell ringing. Therefore, they gave symbolically copper bells. As a symbol of prosperity and prosperity, copper coins are good as a gift. If someone has already acquired their own home, it is appropriate to donate a horseshoe, copper rings will also come in handy.
And since this date is not only copper, but also woolen, a woolen blanket or a scarf will become a pleasant and kind gift. And how nice it will be for a spouse to receive woolen socks tied by his wife on this day, which will warm him on cold evenings.
And yet, seven is the number of luck. She symbolizes secret knowledge, wisdom and a sacred number. Note: seven notes, seven days in a week, seven wonders of the world. Be that as it may, everything is in your hands, listen to each other, talk - after all, after the copper wedding there is still silver, gold and diamond ahead.