It seemed that quite recently everything in your family was just perfect: you glowed with happiness and could not live a day without each other. But time is running out. Concerns, monotony and everyday life are piling up, and as a result - cooling and irritation. But keep your feelings and make your wife love you with the same strength in your power.

Step 1
How often do you gently touch your wife? Touch should be caring and attentive and pleasant. Do not strangle your wife in an embrace. Wait for the right time and gently hug your spouse or stroke her hand. A very important point is the sex life of the spouses, make every effort to improve it.
Step 2
Communicate with each other
Do not be afraid of difficult and unpleasant topics. Don't build up problems within yourself. You need to discuss everything that bothers you and listen carefully to the claims and wishes of your spouse. Compromise is the best solution to family problems.
Step 3
Help your spouse
Help should come from a pure heart and be selfless, only then will it really become a manifestation of true love. Help your wife with household chores or take on some of the daily chores, and your spouse's gratitude will be your reward.
Step 4
When you give a gift, you don't have to wait for anything in return. Gifts are supposed to please the spouse, and they are pleasant rather than useful. An unusually presented present will be an excellent surprise, women do not forget this. Flowers should appear in the house not only on holidays. Organize a romantic dinner or a trip to a restaurant that your wife has long wanted to visit.
Step 5
Praise your spouse
Use words of encouragement as often as possible in your home. Give thanks even for a little favor or a courtesy from your wife. Recognize your partner's contribution to family life, praise her for achievements, even the smallest. Pay attention to and reward any partner's efforts that you enjoy. The more sincere your compliments, the more love your other half will feel.