How To Break Up With A Guy Beautifully

How To Break Up With A Guy Beautifully
How To Break Up With A Guy Beautifully

Parting with a partner is a difficult period in life. It is especially unpleasant if the breakup occurs unexpectedly, at the initiative of a loved one. If you decide that your relationship with a young man has no prospects, try to part beautifully.

How to break up with a guy beautifully
How to break up with a guy beautifully

Choose the best time. If you understand that it is not worth continuing the relationship, think about how best to present the fact of your separation to your partner. You don't have to avoid or date a guy out of pity and unwillingness to take a step towards breaking up. This behavior will only deteriorate your relationship. Trust me, your boyfriend will feel that your feelings have changed.

Find the right reason for the breakup that you are going to voice to the guy. For example, you can refer to your faded feelings, to the fact that you do not feel a kinship of souls. If you can't play the moment beautifully and stay honest, come up with a legend why you can't be together. Say that you are leaving for another city or country.

You don't need to completely shift the blame for a failed romance to your partner. The development of events also depended on you, be objective. To save face, be generous and don't act like a nagging, moody girl. Try to avoid pointing out your partner's flaws. To break up beautifully, talk about the situation as a whole, and not the role of each of you in it.

Talk to your boyfriend. Pick an opportune moment when both of you are in the mood for a constructive, calm conversation. Noisy parties and holidays are not good for breaking up with a guy. There should be no witnesses of your parting. Also, do not leave a young man over the Internet, phone or by message, it’s gone. Find the strength to meet face to face. It is better if parting with a guy takes place on neutral territory, in a relaxing, romantic atmosphere.

Think back to the melodramas you watched with your boyfriend. If there were moments of breaking up with your boyfriend, you can beat them. So your young man will understand everything without words. Transparent hints and associations with sad moments from some cult movie will make your parting unusual and beautiful.

Announce your decision to break up with the young man and explain the reason. Don't be shy about your emotions. Do not hold back tears, so your breakup will become even more melodramatic. Remember all the touching moments of your relationship, the most successful dates. Bring photos together with you to follow the development of your romance one last time.

Take with you all the gifts that the young man gave you. Give them back solemnly, explaining that they bring back memories of a relationship that was not destined to grow into something big and bright, no matter how hard you both tried. If possible, order a slow song for the guy that takes the soul, and invite him to the last dance.

Don't offer to be friends. This formulaic phrase will ruin the moment. Better say that time will put everything in its place, and after months both you and the guy will understand if friendship is possible between you. Let the young man know that you value his company very much, but that you cannot imagine him as just a friend. Admit it would hurt you to see him build new relationships.

Remember that you shouldn't have any guilt over your own decision. You are free to build your own personal life and choose which guy to be with. Do not exaggerate the pain you might have inflicted on the young man. Over time, his wound will heal and the two of you will be able to build new, happy, lasting relationships.
