Over time, almost all married couples feel the fading of emotions and feelings for each other. At this time, there is a danger of extramarital affairs and the collapse of the marriage union. The advice of family psychologists will help to return passion to relationships, and women will most likely have to implement them.

Add a "fresh stream"
You need to start changes with the environment around you. The familiar atmosphere of the bedroom is no longer associated with a violent passion - this is a place of relaxation. Bring a "fresh stream" into the bedroom: throw out old and unnecessary things, move furniture, hang pictures and new curtains.
The next step is to change yourself. A dramatic change in appearance is a surefire way to attract a man's attention. Dye your hair, change your hairstyle, change your wardrobe. Erotic underwear, an intimate haircut, piercing or tattoo will help arouse sexual desire in your man.
Along with external changes, try and behave differently. Surprise your spouse with unusual behavior, he should see you from a new, unknown side. For example, dance a secretly rehearsed striptease or recreate the behavior of your favorite heroine from adult films.
Passion-stirring tricks
Very often, the most passionate sex occurs in spouses after separation. If your husband is away for a week on a business trip or to see his parents, start preparing for his arrival. Write him sms or emails every day to tell him that you miss him. The more frank they are, the more the man will wait for the meeting. By the time your spouse returns, tidy yourself up, send the kids to grandma and put on the sexiest outfit.
If no short-term separation is planned in the near future, arrange a romantic dinner in a beautiful setting. It is recommended to include aphrodisiacs in the menu - foods that increase sexual desire. These include strawberries, bananas, artichokes, fish, avocados, shrimp, cilantro, red wine.
Many men are lovers of prying. Set up a situation that is comfortable to see how you are caring for yourself. For example, leave the bathroom or bedroom door open and “ignore” your husband's presence. Dim the lighting to look as effective as possible. Naturally, you don't need to shave your legs and do epilation at such a moment, apply cream to the body, comb your hair, just paint in front of the mirror.
If you are going to visit your friends, “forget” to put on your panties and inform your husband about it already in the car. With this information, your man will be thinking about sex all evening. And if you manage to retire in the bathroom, do not give up spontaneous sex - the adrenaline rush guarantees an unforgettable orgasm!
One of the most popular ways to trigger a flash of passion is to make a man jealous. But you should use this method carefully so that jealousy does not lead to disastrous consequences.