A person is born under a certain zodiac sign. People born from April 20 to May 20 are Taurus. This is a sign of dedication, development and creation. Taurus are distinguished by their extraordinary intelligence and peaceful disposition.

Step 1
Each zodiac sign has amulets that astrologers recommend wearing to activate the best qualities and attract good luck. For Taurus, there are also certain recommendations. So experts advise people born under this sign to give preference to not very active stones. Since the energy of the Taurus themselves is very high. The main task that stones-amulets in male Taurus should perform is ordering energy, that is, directing it into a peaceful channel. Such stones as onyx, rose quartz, agate, cacholong, coral, turquoise, malachite, sapphire, emerald, opal, aquamarine will perfectly cope with the task. But amethyst, diamond, pyrite, obsidian and amber are not suitable stones for people of the Taurus zodiac sign.
Step 2
For Taurus men, each stone activates a different area of life. So turquoise is an opaque stone of heavenly shades, from time immemorial it was considered a symbol of fidelity, bringing happiness in marriage. Turquoise helps Taurus to realize their ambitions, to find themselves. The talisman, made of a sky-blue stone, allows its owner to look at himself and those around him without illusion. Turquoise has a positive effect on impulsive and windy men. The stone teaches them patience and strengthens the strength of the spirit. It is recommended to frame turquoise in silver. This is the perfect amulet for young Taurus. Older members of this sign are encouraged to wear turquoise in summer, spring or early fall.
Step 3
The most effective amulet for the representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign is malachite. The stone of a light green hue absorbs all the negative, which is sent to its owner. Malachite helps to overcome depression and cope with severe stress, and also improves mood. Astrologers consider this to be one of the most powerful magic stones. Those people who want to enhance their attractiveness are advised to choose malachite. If a man is a musician, writer or artist, then it is better to set the stone in copper, so it will attract inspiration.
Step 4
The most powerful talisman for Taurus men is black agate. It enhances the ability to clairvoyance, clairvoyance, persuasion, and the gift of eloquence. A stone like onyx will help prevent loneliness, instill confidence in the best and give self-confidence. Don't forget about such stones as sapphire, alexandrite, blue tourmaline and amazonite. They are perfect for men born under the Taurus zodiac sign.