The sign of Taurus is under the auspices of Venus, which radiates love. This is probably why people born under this constellation are endowed with tenderness and passion. However, they prefer not to show it. After all, in addition, the characteristic features of Taurus are ambition and self-confidence. Taurus can achieve whatever they want. And stones help him in this - diamonds, turquoise, moonstone and sapphire.

Step 1
A diamond (a refined diamond) gives its wearer courage, nobility and victory. This stone tames anger and voluptuousness, casts out sins, keeps from evil spells. The one who wears the diamond will be healthy and prosperous throughout his life. If a person wears this stone on himself, then he may not be afraid of lightning and injuries. Will save the diamond from bad dreams.
Step 2
The diamond should be worn on the left hand or around the neck. The setting should not interfere with the contact of the stone with the skin - this will enhance the positive properties of the stone. You can buy diamonds on your own, but there will not be much power in this stone. He becomes a talisman only when he is presented as a gift or inherited.
Step 3
Turquoise is a symbol of eternal and faithful love. She gives prosperity, reconciles in quarrels, promotes harmony and harmony. You can wear turquoise on yourself for girls and women under 30 years old. Having crossed this line, it is better for ladies to refuse jewelry with this stone. Turquoise helps people who are kind and worthy. This stone brings misfortune to an immoral person.
Step 4
It has turquoise and medicinal properties: in combination with silver, it relieves insomnia, facilitates the course of any disease. If you look at it in the morning, your eyesight improves.
Step 5
The moonstone works well for those born on the full moon and Monday, which is considered a lunar day. This stone helps to overcome obstacles to happiness, helps in decision-making, develops the gift of persuasion and eloquence. Moonstone cures nervous diseases, but only in combination with silver.
Step 6
Sapphire, a very beautiful stone, symbolizes loyalty and modesty. Sapphire enhances Taurus' desire to learn, improves memory, and gives prudence. This stone also protects its owner from envy and slander, attracts good and kind people to life.
Step 7
Sapphire nourishes Taurus, heals heart disease and asthma, if worn on the left hand. The stone helps to heal from nervous diseases.
Step 8
To increase the power of the stone, it is worn constantly, periodically imagining oneself in the haze of its radiance. Thus, the protective forces of the stone are maximally concentrated on the person. If you carry out such a ritual several times a day, then the stone becomes native and then you no longer need to resort to imagination to activate its properties.