There are different reasons why men and women live alone: someone does not succeed in a relationship, but for someone it is a conscious choice. And yet, with any choice, the bachelor life has its pros and cons.

Step 1
The life of a bachelor can be as varied as the people themselves. Some men enjoy the freedom they owe, and some are in constant search of a partner to finally end this freedom. So such a kind of freedom can be both a plus of a bachelor life and a minus.
Step 2
Freedom in a bachelor's relationship plays a key role, because this is what distinguishes their life from life in a relationship, marriage. Lack of responsibility for anyone other than yourself, the ability to realize your needs and desires in the manner in which a person wants - these are the main advantages of such freedom from serious relationships. People in a relationship should listen to the opinion of another person, share his beliefs, interests, and his position on various issues. But not bachelors. They can come home at any time, do what they like, spend time with friends. And many people really like this permissiveness, they want to remain bachelors, meet with different partners, not staying with anyone and not getting attached to anyone. But many people get tired of loneliness, find the right person to connect life with him.
Step 3
The second main advantage of a bachelor's life is the funds that he can spend at will. And if in marriage you need to share money with your partner, and sometimes support him completely, take the girl to expensive restaurants, buy gifts and take her on vacation, provide for his wife and children, then there is nothing like this in a bachelor life. Only those things and products appear in the house that are important for the bachelor himself. He can spend on himself as much money as he can afford, and even save something. Bachelors with children are an exception; they have to devote a significant part of their budget to children.
Step 4
The lack of evaluative categories is also a big plus of a bachelor life. No one will say that a bachelor is worthless or does not achieve his goals. No one will retrain or constantly repeat how to do the right thing. There will be no tantrums and scandals, advice to take up your own figure or career. In general, a bachelor does not have any pressure from a partner, sometimes so annoying.
Step 5
However, there are also disadvantages in the life of a bachelor. And the first is the lack of regular sex. Yes, you can look for new partners almost every day, but hardly anyone will be able to find them so often. So many lonely nights are guaranteed. Relationships with multiple partners can also have negative consequences in the form of diseases and infections of the genital area. After all, no one will check each partner for the presence of such diseases.
Step 6
The second significant disadvantage will be the establishment of life alone. No one will help you clean and cook, fix furniture, or wash your laundry. All this will be done by the bachelor himself, day in and day out. And while many bachelors do an excellent job of dealing with these minor problems, for some it still causes a lot of inconvenience.
Step 7
The main disadvantage will be the prospects for such a life in a few years. As long as a person is young, he can have fun and enjoy being alone. But after a while, the fun and temporary connections will bore you, freedom will be valued less than the shoulder of a dear person next to you, and the house will look very empty without those who can bring joy and happiness - families and children. Therefore, many bachelors after a while think about a permanent, serious relationship.