Almost every man at least once in his life is faced with erection problems. This can be caused by various troubles - stress, fatigue, illness. But it is possible to cope with the onset of dysfunction without the help of doctors.

Seafood is the best aphrodisiac
Oysters, squid, mussels and scallops are traditionally included in all dishes for a romantic dinner. The fact is that seafood is a natural aphrodisiac that enhances desire and improves erection. They contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids and trace elements that properly raise libido. In addition, even a plentiful table of seafood does not leave heaviness in the stomach, which is so important to continue a romantic evening.
Protein - good for erectile function
Many men love protein foods - meat, eggs, milk. And rightly so, because animal protein is very useful for potency. Protein contributes to the production of testosterone, a male hormone that is directly related to sexual function. And eggs contain vitamins A, E and B6, which also contribute to the appearance of sexual desire. Of dairy products, it is best to use yogurt, kefir and cottage cheese.
The diet should be varied - you should not abuse one meat either.
Meditation is an escape from stress
Often, potency disappears due to the abundance of stress. Men often carry enormous loads - working in leadership positions, managing projects, supporting their families, helping their women solve problems. Stress and fatigue can cause sexual disorders. A little meditation with slow music will help you relax and calm down. Sometimes it's enough just to lie down, listen to classical music, chime of Chinese bells or the sound of a waterfall, imagine a fragrant forest or a stormy river where all your problems disappear. Small walks in the park or at least just around the house are also useful. In addition to pacification, they will accelerate blood circulation, relieving blood stagnation in the pelvic area.
Lack of sleep can also affect your erection. Get enough sleep without waking up at night or using sleeping pills.
Sport is the best medicine
Sport promotes the production of testosterone, the male hormone. Most productive in this regard
strength sports - bodybuilding, powerlifting, as well as various types of martial arts. Sports activities also increase self-esteem, add energy and allow you to throw out the negative accumulated during the day. And exercise also speeds up metabolism and is beneficial for blood circulation, which is directly related to the mechanism of erection.