Many men have experienced such a phenomenon as loss of erection during intercourse or immediately before it. Normally, this should not be the case, but it is quite common. Such a failure can negatively affect a man's self-confidence, as well as lead to fear of sexual intercourse.

Psychological reasons for the disappearance of an erection
In most cases, an erection disappears during or before intercourse due to psychological factors. Such reasons are individual in nature and, as a rule, the most common of them are the following:
The first sexual experience of a man leaves an imprint on his further sexual contacts. Therefore, if the first time was unsuccessful, this can affect the development of phobias in terms of sex.
Insecure actions of a man, fear that the partner will not receive satisfaction or her expectations will not be met. This is widespread among men. It can lead to strong feelings and, as a result, the lack of an erection at a certain moment.
Discontent of the girl. If a partner directly expresses her resentment about a man's capabilities, physical strength or penis size, this can affect the complete disappearance of an erection.
Strong feelings.
Stress, depression and problems.
Physiological problems with erection
The disappearance or absence of an erection is associated with certain diseases of sexual function, which are characteristic of older or middle-aged men.
An improper lifestyle can lead to physiological problems. Obesity, alcohol, smoking and drug use can negate the onset of an erection.
Household erection problems
These types of problems are not associated with physical illness or psychological state of the man. These include mental or physical fatigue, as well as:
Overexcitement. Can play a cruel joke with an erection during intercourse.
Unfulfillment in sexual intercourse. This factor includes bored postures, lack of playful elements, uncomfortable surroundings, as well as non-embodied fantasies and desires of a man in terms of sex.
Disgust for a partner, expecting more from her. The problem may be related to the girl's appearance, as well as to her self-care.
The desire of a man to prolong sexual intercourse.
Irregular sex. It can also lead to problems with an erection.
If the erection begins to fade, you should first exclude all possible causes. If the situation is not resolved, and the problem remains relevant, you should immediately contact a specialist in this field.