The desire for sexual intimacy is natural for any person. This is a physiological need that must be satisfied. But sometimes the attraction is too strong and interferes with a calm life, and in these cases it is necessary to learn how to control it.

Step 1
Sexual attraction can be different. The first is aimed at a specific person, then it is he who is excited and wants to be with him constantly. The second option is when you want to make love, and here it is not the partner that is important, but the process itself.
Step 2
A person wants sex when he has a lot of vitality. He is ready not only to exist in this world, but seeks to continue his race, to receive pleasure. At a young age, sexual activity is more pronounced than in adulthood. But this energy can be redirected. Organize your life so that you can devote more time to work or hobbies. If these things are not enthusiastic, change your activity. Light fatigue after working days will reduce sexual desire.
Step 3
Pay more attention to the quality of sex over quantity. Constant desire can be a sign of dissatisfaction. Even when sex is present in life, you want it even more only because there was no complete discharge, it was not possible to give all the best. That is why deepen your knowledge of yourself and your partner, let sex become richer and brighter. In every love game, look for a sense of complete satisfaction.
Step 4
Exercise helps redirect thoughts. In a moment of excitement, it is difficult to think about something else. But it is also necessary to live in peace, to deal with current affairs. Do some exercise to distract yourself. For men, push-ups are suitable, for women, squats. 10-15 minutes of intensive charging will allow you to see the world in a new way.
Step 5
Sexual activity is characteristic of people after long abstinence. If it so happened that there was no sex for several months, and then it appeared, in the first few weeks you may feel a constant desire. In this case, it is not necessary to reduce sexual desire. Better enjoy the process. Usually the body gets used to it and calms down. After 2-3 weeks, the desire will be less pronounced. It is only important to regularly satisfy the need so that the body understands that there will be no more breaks.
Step 6
If your sex drive is only directed at one person, take your time to fight it. Falling in love is precisely characterized by strong excitability. This happens only at the beginning of a relationship, gradually everything will calm down. One has only to learn to think about something else. Every time an image of a beloved or loved one appears in your head, shift your attention to something mundane, for example, to work or planning a vacation. At the same time, relief will come for a while.