18 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

18 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development
18 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

The 18th week of pregnancy is one of the most comfortable weeks in the life of an expectant mother. During the entire second trimester, a pregnant woman is most often in high spirits and good spirits. This is reflected in the baby too.

18 weeks of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development
18 weeks of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development

What happens to a woman at 18 weeks pregnant?

For a woman, this week can be one of the most memorable. Doctors believe that especially with a repeated pregnancy at 18 weeks, the expectant mother most often feels the first movements of her baby in the womb. Do not be afraid if the baby has not yet made itself felt. This indicator is not accurate. Perhaps both an earlier and a later sensation of fetal movement. But this guideline is useful for doctors if the exact gestational age has not been established. The moment of the baby's first pushes will be regarded by specialists as a sign that the woman is at the 18th obstetric week.

At this time, women, as a rule, feel just wonderful. The weight should not increase much yet, the abdomen is too small to interfere with the gait, and the toxicosis should already pass. But unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy are also possible at this time:

  1. Painful sensations in the navel.
  2. Heartburn. It appears as a result of the weakening of the muscle ring between the stomach and esophagus.
  3. It is quite difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. As a result, a lack of sleep is possible.
  4. As a result of hormonal changes, age spots may appear in the décolleté area and on the face of a pregnant woman.
  5. The pressure may rise periodically. If this happens, then it is necessary to discuss with the attending physician the possible treatment of this problem.
  6. Vision may be slightly impaired.

Among other things, almost all women for a period of 18 obstetric weeks complain of frequent urination. The uterus grows continuously and begins to press on the bladder. Such a desire to run away "in a small way", most likely, will be observed in a pregnant woman during the entire pregnancy up to childbirth.

In the blood of a woman, the hormone progesterone is at a fairly high level throughout pregnancy. Until the 12th week of pregnancy, the corpus luteum was responsible for its synthesis, and after that, the placenta. The state of the uterus depends on its level. If there is not enough progesterone in the body of the expectant mother, then tone may be observed. With a normal concentration of the hormone, the uterus will be in a relaxed state, which has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy. But this hormone relaxes not only the uterus, but also other muscle tissues. As a result, intestinal peristalsis may begin to work worse, and the woman will complain of flatulence and constipation.

The vascular tone due to progesterone also decreases. The expectant mother may develop swelling. It's important to keep track of your water balance. Both insufficient water intake and excess water should not be allowed. The appearance of edema cannot be hidden from the obstetrician-gynecologist. The doctor, if necessary, will be able to prescribe the drugs necessary to remove excess fluid that will be safe for the unborn child.

At 18 obstetric weeks, a woman's tummy may look different. Some have practically nothing to see. From the outside, you might not even think that a woman is in an interesting position. The belly of other women may already be quite impressive in size.

How does the fetus develop?

The 18th obstetric week of pregnancy according to the calendar is the 16th embryonic week. Many women care about how the child develops and what size it has. In order to determine this, it is enough to open your palm. The kid will easily fit into it.

The child's height at this time is no more than 14 cm. The average weight is about 150 grams. A child can be compared to a ripe mango. The kid is growing every day. This week, the following changes are happening to him:

  1. The embryos of the molars of the child appear. They are located above the rudiments of milk teeth. The molars can erupt in tens of years, but their development begins precisely at 18 weeks.
  2. All the bones of the child are strengthened. This process is called skeletal mineralization.
  3. The baby's joints, located on the fingers and toes, develop.
  4. The baby's muscles also develop.
  5. The baby begins to form a subcutaneous fat layer.

When the fetus is awake, it exercises. All his movements are performed at the level of reflexes, and the child already knows how to:

  1. Thumb suck.
  2. Simulate the breathing process.
  3. Swallow amniotic fluid.
  4. Turn.

On the forums, you can see that many women are interested in how often the child should move. It is almost impossible to count the movements now. The baby's uterus is not yet cramped. He can actively rotate in the uterine cavity without touching it. As a result, the mother's body will not experience any sensations. Counting movements will be necessary later in pregnancy.

Pain, discharge and possible complications at the 18th week of pregnancy

Some unpleasant symptoms may be present throughout pregnancy. It is imperative to follow them. If pain or discharge is out of the normal range, then immediately contact health centers to maintain the pregnancy. After all, if childbirth occurs, then the child will not be able to survive.

  1. At this time, colostrum may be excreted from the breasts. In no case should you express it. After all, this can provoke a contraction of the uterus and cause a miscarriage.
  2. At any time, a miscarriage may occur, or the pregnancy may freeze. If this happens, then the woman may experience strange sensations. In particular, the general well-being of a woman worsens. It is necessary to closely monitor your condition and in case of any deterioration, talk to your doctor about it or call emergency help.
  3. Pulling mild pains may be present throughout the entire period of pregnancy. This stretches the ligaments and muscles to support the enlarging belly. But if the pain is severe or cramping, then you need to lie down and call an ambulance.
  4. Vaginal discharge in the second trimester may increase markedly. The leucorrhoea should be transparent or whitish and not have any specific odor. If a woman has yellow, greenish, harsh and unpleasant-smelling discharge, then this is a sign of diseases of the genital tract. If the discharge is brown, red or scarlet, then there is no time to waste. Most likely, a miscarriage or placental abruption begins and an ambulance must be called for hospitalization.

Another possible unpleasant symptom at week 18 may be gestosis. This is toxicosis in late pregnancy. He has few symptoms, but each of them can be dangerous both for the health of the expectant mother and for the child:

  1. Visible and internal edema. It is for the diagnosis of edema that the obstetrician-gynecologist can press his fingers on the limbs. Depending on how quickly the print disappears, the presence or absence of edema is determined.
  2. A sharp and rather large increase in weight.
  3. The appearance of protein in the urine of a pregnant woman.

Any of the symptoms should be monitored throughout pregnancy.

General recommendations

The middle of the second trimester is a good time to get things done. It is imperative to go through all the doctors indicated in the pregnant woman's card: dentist, ophthalmologist, therapist, ENT. The obstetrician-gynecologist can make appointments with other doctors if necessary. It is also important to have an EKG done during pregnancy. The heart works in an enhanced mode and its normal state must be monitored.

The expectant mother needs to eat right. The diet should be balanced. If a woman suffers from heartburn, then you should pay attention to cereals and jelly. If constipation appears, then it is necessary to eat prunes. It will help loosen your stools. If this did not help, then with the permission of the doctor, microclysters can be done.

It will also be useful to drink cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks. They are excellent folk diuretics rich in vitamins. The main thing is to make sure that the woman is not allergic to cranberries and lingonberries.

Do not overreact to everything that happens around you. Although the storm of hormones that was in the early stages of pregnancy has subsided, but the emotional state of a woman can be unstable throughout the pregnancy. It is important to remember that all the emotions of the mother are transmitted to the baby. And let it be better for him to be in a joyful mood than to experience sadness and longing.
