Being in the womb, the baby is able to perfectly hear the sounds surrounding his mother. Daily listening to musical compositions from the first months of pregnancy favors the development of the child's intelligence. The main thing is to know what music is good for pregnant women.

Step 1
The music that a pregnant woman listens to should be relaxing, calm and not contain minor chords. Do not forget that her rhythms can affect not only the behavior of the baby in the womb, but also his general well-being. Music can change the rhythm of breathing and even muscle tone.
Step 2
When choosing a melody to listen to, it is extremely important to observe the child's reaction. If he began to behave too actively, for example, kicking, then another musical composition should be turned on. Music played too loudly can also cause anxiety in the baby.
Step 3
Folk music is great for listening to during pregnancy. The kids especially like the melodies of Celtic folklore.
Step 4
Pregnant women are encouraged to listen to classical music as well. In this case, all compositions that evoke positive emotions and pacification in the expectant mother are suitable.
Step 5
In moments when the child behaves restlessly in the womb, it is worth turning on the melodies of Schubert, Brahms, Schumann or Mozart quietly. In this case, the compositions should be chosen in major and at a smooth tempo.
Step 6
If the expectant mother or her baby is overcome by insomnia, then the calm melodies of Tchaikovsky or Gluck will help to cope with this problem. Debussy with the composition "Moonlight", Brahms with "Lullaby" and "Sonata No. 14" by Beethoven are especially good at promoting sound sleep.
Step 7
Useful during pregnancy yoga classes, conducted to the sounds of wildlife. In this case, birdsong, raindrops, the sound of the surf, rustle of leaves and sounds made by whales or dolphins are perfect.
Step 8
A pregnant woman sometimes has bouts of apathy. At such moments, listening to fast melodies of such composers as Schubert, Vivaldi, Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Tchaikovsky will help to cheer up and get rid of "heavy" thoughts.
Step 9
If during the day a pregnant woman is very tired, then her baby will certainly feel this tension. In order to relieve the accumulated fatigue, it is enough to listen to Vivaldi's compositions entitled “The Seasons” or Glinka's “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. After just 15 minutes of listening, the expectant mother will notice a significant improvement in overall well-being and a surge of energy.
Step 10
When listening to classical music is not enjoyable, you shouldn't force yourself to listen to it forcefully. This will not benefit either the expectant mother or her baby. In this case, it is worth looking for modern instrumental musical compositions.