What Does The Facial Expression Of A Person Say? Learning To Recognize Lies

What Does The Facial Expression Of A Person Say? Learning To Recognize Lies
What Does The Facial Expression Of A Person Say? Learning To Recognize Lies

Facial expressions involve expressive movements of the muscles of the face. Thanks to them, a person without words can express any emotion, including fear, admiration, irritation and surprise. Physiognomy is the science of face reading, which reveals to the inhabitants the principles of recognizing not only feelings, but also lies.

What does the facial expression of a person say? Learning to recognize lies
What does the facial expression of a person say? Learning to recognize lies

Non-verbal communication much brighter and more accurately demonstrates what now lies in the soul of the interlocutor. Thanks to facial expressions and gestures, you can find out how sincerely a person speaks, whether his thoughts are kind or whether he is trying to hide the hard-hitting truth. A sure sign of deception is frequent rubbing of your earlobe. Of course, if the opponent is healthy and does not suffer from itching.

It is also worth paying attention when the interlocutor rubs his nose most of the time or interrupts his speech with a cough (again, if everything is in order with his health). Women who want to evade the truthful answer to a question, correct their makeup, wipe off invisible stains of cosmetics. A distracted, running glance also indicates that the opponent is hiding the truth or details of what happened. An exception is the situation when the interlocutor is unpleasant about the reason for the conversation or the person who addresses him.

Most people are confident that they can easily see the falsehood in the faces of others. However, in fact, less than 20% have such abilities.

Some people have a slight smile on their faces when they report false data. Listeners should be alerted by the inappropriate expression on the face. The grin is a universal means to hide the inner emotional excitement that arises when you have to tell a lie. In addition, liars are characterized by micro-tension of the facial muscles, in rare cases leading to spasms. There is an expression that characterizes such a state: "A shadow ran over my face." The tension lasts 1-3 seconds, although it also happens that the opponent responds with a "stone face". According to the American scientist Robert Bannett, the momentary stiffness of the muscles indicates a clear insincerity.

An involuntary reaction is also characteristic of a person when he is convicted of a lie or is asked a question to which he does not want to give a truthful answer. It can be pale or reddening of the face, trembling lips, dilated pupils, rapid blinking. Only an experienced deceiver is capable of lying in one breath, others will get confused.

A fake smile is created by the muscles located in the lower part of the face, while the mimic muscles under the eyelids are not used.

When interpreting facial movements, it is recommended to observe a person in real time. You can use high quality video recording. But photographs are practically useless, they cannot convey the entire palette of emotions that was inherent in the interlocutor at the time of the conversation. Experts divide the human face into three zones: upper, middle and lower. The changes in each of these areas have specific implications.

Japanese scientists have divided the face into 13 zones, which are responsible for habits and character traits. For example, large nostrils indicate that a person has personality defects, may be a pathological deceiver. If the tip of the nose resembles the beak of a bird of prey, then its owner is cunning and vindictive, not averse to fool anyone for their own benefit. Eastern physiognomy allows you to calculate a liar even by the ears. If they are shapeless and too pale, then you should not believe all the words and promises of this person.
