It happens that a guy and a girl have been friends for a long time, have fun in the same company, talk about everything in the world. And everything would be fine if one of them did not suddenly realize that he loves the other not at all as a friend. The situation is complex and ambiguous. You need to somehow show the guy your feelings, and it's scary to do this, because it is not clear how he can react.

Step 1
It is also possible that your friend himself has tender feelings for you, but is just as afraid to show them. If both of you beat around the bush long enough, your love may wither. Do not let this happen, think about several methods that can help you break the vicious circle.
Step 2
If you are only meeting with your other friends, go up to the guy and offer to go somewhere together, for example, to a movie. A young man, if he is interested in developing your relationship, will agree with pleasure. And this is a date! You just have to carefully prepare for it and not get lost, behave more courageously.
Step 3
You can just say directly that you like him, and you want to date him not as a friend. In this case, you will immediately know whether you can count on more or not. Of course, you can hear a refusal, so it is better to act more subtly, but some ardent natures do not tolerate delay.
Step 4
When deciding to go for a longer version, try to be closer to the guy when you meet in the company. Start conversations about love and friendship, mention famous films where the heroes were first friends, and then turned out to be a couple in love. Look deeply into his eyes, conveying thoughts of your love in every possible way. Eyes can express a lot, it is not in vain that they are the “mirror of the soul”.
Step 5
Stop being your boyfriend. Change your wardrobe, do not wear wide pants and shapeless sweatshirts. Now - only dresses and romantic skirts. Go to a beauty salon, use the services of a makeup stylist. Apply his advice, take care of yourself.
Step 6
Take a critical look at your figure, its deficiencies are amenable to correction through diet and exercise. Note your attractive features and try to emphasize them. If you have beautiful breasts, clothes with deep cutouts will accentuate this advantage, distracting attention from wide hips, for example.
Step 7
Changing your hairstyle, hair color and dressing style will definitely attract your friend's attention. The guy wonders why you have changed so much, starts asking if you fell in love with someone. This is where you can hint at the subject of your sighs.
Step 8
When you interact with a friend, touch him constantly. These tactile contacts should be light and unintentional. Touch his wrist, shoulder, remove invisible fuzz from his clothes. Correct his hairstyle, remove the eyelash from his cheek, wipe a drop of ketchup from his chin. It will be difficult for a man not to notice in these actions the reflections of your feelings.
Step 9
Ask him for help. Complain that you have started a rearrangement, but you cannot move the furniture yourself. If the guy knows about computers, ask him to figure out your technique. This way you will communicate more closely than in a general company. The chances of talking about your feelings and using the enchantment will be much greater.
Step 10
Men love to listen to compliments too. For example, tell him how smart he is, how beautifully he repaired your faucet in the kitchen. What golden hands he has, after all, not every person is given to understand electronics. Sing praises, admiring his figure, when the man rearranges all the furniture in your apartment. Your words should be sincere, but it cannot be otherwise, because your loving heart speaks for you.