Cheating on a girlfriend is always a hard blow to male pride. It is especially difficult to survive the betrayal committed not only by the beloved, but also by the best friend.

Reasons for female infidelity
Girls cheat on their boyfriends for a variety of reasons. Such an act can be caused by the lack of proper attention on the part of a young man, his indifference, remoteness, resentment, female jealousy, frivolity, alcohol, non-mutual feelings, or new love. If you find out that your beloved has betrayed you, you need to remember everything that happened between you and try to understand what caused the betrayal.
The girl slept with a friend. How to be?
Sometimes girls decide to have an intimate relationship with their boyfriend's friend. If you find yourself in such a situation, you must remember that your emotions are best kept under control. In a fit of anger, you can commit rash acts that will only harm you. Keep calm. Wait a while before doing anything further, let your anger subside a little.
Try to figure out the reason for the female betrayal. To do this, just talk to your beloved about what led her to such a low and vile act, maybe she will tell you about the reasons for her betrayal. During a conversation, you should not shout at her, call her offensive words and make a scandal. Only a calm conversation in a friendly tone will help you find out the truth. A girl should not be afraid of you when you communicate. Fear will only lead to another lie.
Understand your own feelings. Perhaps only your male pride is humiliated, and you are not suffering at all from love for your soul mate. Sometimes, after female infidelity, guys begin to realize that in fact their relationship has long been at an impasse, so it is better to interrupt them as soon as possible.
Try to think objectively. Only you yourself can decide whether to forgive the traitor and give her a second chance. Remember that cheating can happen again at any time.
As for the friend with whom your beloved slept, it is best for you to stop communicating with him, since, having remained unpunished, he will feel an advantage over you and may again decide on a similar act. You do not need to keep next to you people who have already stabbed you in the back. Such friends will not bring anything good to your life, but will only spoil it with their presence. Don't get into a showdown with a traitor. Be above it all. Believe me, your indifference and indifference will only anger him and cause indignation.