Friendship Is Not A Hindrance To Sex, Or What If You Accidentally Slept With Your Best Friend

Friendship Is Not A Hindrance To Sex, Or What If You Accidentally Slept With Your Best Friend
Friendship Is Not A Hindrance To Sex, Or What If You Accidentally Slept With Your Best Friend

You are familiar almost from the cradle, you have repeatedly seen him in only shorts, but you always treated him like a brother, and then suddenly this … It does not matter how you ended up in the same bed. The main thing is how to preserve the old friendly relations. Here are a few tips to help you look at friendship with a guy from the other side.

Friendship is not a hindrance to sex, or what if you accidentally slept with your best friend
Friendship is not a hindrance to sex, or what if you accidentally slept with your best friend

Friendship between a man and a woman sooner or later ends with the fact that one of the parties wants more than evening heart-to-heart conversations on the phone. First of all, you need to figure out: was the sex an accidental result of an alcoholic party or some of you woke up feelings stronger than friendly ones. Think about it, maybe the moment has come to take the relationship to a new level.

Love, born of friendship, has many advantages: you don't have to get to know your parents - his mother has long considered you a daughter, you and your boyfriend already know each other's habits and shortcomings, and you are also not afraid to behave naturally when you meet. Your sexual impulse can serve as an occasion to look at each other again and plunge into the world of mutual courtship and quivering dates. However, there are also downsides: you are aware of all his past sexual exploits and ex-girlfriends.

Be brave and prudent so as not to panic and escape from bed in an unknown direction. In any case, you will have a serious conversation on the topic: "What was it and what to do next?" If you both still feel nothing for each other except tender friendly feelings, you can try to put everything in a joke and forget about the incident.

However, psychologists say that sex is never friendly. Having got to know each other sexually, you will no longer be able to look at a person without physical interest (especially if sex has brought many positive experiences). Periodically repeat the sexual experiment, while remaining friends, or declare yourself a couple - you two decide.
