Which Stone Brings Good Luck

Which Stone Brings Good Luck
Which Stone Brings Good Luck

For a long time, people believed that some stones have special properties and can help their owner in his affairs. If you want to be a little luckier, get yourself one of the magic talismans.


Aventurine is a type of quartz. There is a stone of green, honey-yellow, brown, cherry and golden-cherry color. It is believed that aventurine helps its owner to always maintain a sober mind and strengthens his intuition. Such a talisman will suit people who are not afraid of risk, brave adventurers. Previously, it was used by card players, but today this stone can be useful to those who are involved in risky business.


Olivine is a silicate of magnesium and iron, a mineral that ranges in color from olive and yellow-green to dark green, brown and even black. Jewelry varieties of this stone are used to attract good luck to new businesses and beginnings. If you are entering a university, planning to change jobs or starting your own business, this talisman will help you.

Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a beautiful opaque mineral of blue, bluish-gray, blue-violet, green-gray or deep blue, occasionally with brown splashes. This stone is not only used by jewelers to make jewelry, it can also bring good luck to its wearer. He helps to find the right way out in the prevailing circumstances and endows its owner with the support of higher powers.


Obsidian is a mysterious stone of deep brown, brown or black color. He is able to become an excellent helper, but only for strong and energetic people. Obsidian strengthens the health of its owner and helps him achieve goals, whatever they may be.


Berillonite is a rare colorless translucent mineral that is not often used by jewelers. However, sometimes you can find intricate jewelry with this stone. Berillonite helps people who know perfectly well what they want from life, set goals for themselves and strive to achieve them. This mineral is worth having with you at a time when your project comes to an end, the goal is already close, and the last spurt remains. The talisman will bring good luck not only in work, but also in personal life.

It is believed that many precious and semiprecious stones have the ability to help their owner. However, the main condition will still not be the type of mineral, but your belief that the talisman will help you. In this case, any thing can help you become smarter and stronger, show excellent results and, as a result, achieve what you want.
