For some reason, some people are lucky in almost everything, while others are less fortunate. With the same effort, one person can get a much better result than another. The secret lies not only in diligence, but also in the correct attitude.

The luckier people don't hesitate to dream. They do not limit themselves in desires. If you think you are unworthy of more, the universe will not assist you in your endeavors. Believe that someday the life you are dreaming of will come.
Imagine your happy future in the smallest details, think over even the smallest details, and fate will be favorable to you.
It is important to have specific goals. Know exactly what you want, when you need to receive certain benefits, and to what extent. This certainty contributes to the fulfillment of your desires. If you break one big goal into several smaller tasks, you have a plan of action. Stick to it and believe in yourself.
Feel responsible for how your destiny develops. Fatalists are less likely to succeed because they go with the flow. A lot depends on you. Make some effort, keep the right attitude, and you will be lucky.
Do not blame others or circumstances for your failures. This is a passive position.
The secret of some people's luck lies in doing what they love. It is very difficult to find a hobby for which you can get decent money. However, if you find that balance, you will become a lucky and happy person for life. Whenever you find something to your liking, you are constantly growing in the professional field. This is reflected in both the mood and the result.
Learn to overcome laziness. Sometimes, in order to achieve success, you need to make a single effort, and a person gives up at the most inopportune moment and complains about his own bad luck. Don't be like such individuals. Get ready to work on your goals, try again and again, and not give up ahead of time. The ability not to give up in difficult times and take up work, without hesitation in search of excuses for your own laziness, will lead you to good luck.
Be a positive person. Try to think well of people, radiate cheerfulness and friendliness. Be kind to strangers and the universe will be kind to you. Know how to manage your mood. For some individuals, it deteriorates for no apparent reason, although a person can influence his own mood. Concentrate on the good things, and they will fill your life.
Live in harmony with yourself. Do not overstep your own principles, do not betray your beliefs. This position will promote peace in your soul. In this state, it is easier to attract good luck and luck to yourself. Calm confidence in your own righteousness and honesty will give you strength and confidence to take further action.
Develop your talents. Take care of what nature has given you. If you squander your abilities, the universe will no longer be generous to you. You must constantly improve yourself, multiply those inner riches that were awarded by fate.
Take a closer look at your surroundings. If there are many positive, cheerful and cheerful personalities among your friends and acquaintances, you are on the right track. Chatting with such people will make you more fortunate. When gloomy personalities prevail in your circle who do not believe in their bright future, it will be difficult for you to tune in to the wave of luck.