How To Be A Good Mom: 7 Real Tips

How To Be A Good Mom: 7 Real Tips
How To Be A Good Mom: 7 Real Tips

Happy parents are waiting for their first child and, of course, they have many questions about feeding, hygiene, walking, sleeping, clothing, vaccinations. These questions are natural due to lack of experience. How do you learn to be a good mother? Almost any woman who is waiting for the appearance of a baby asks herself about this.

How to be a good mom: 7 real tips
How to be a good mom: 7 real tips

Even if you are very busy with work or household chores, it is not so difficult to do it. You don't need to specifically learn this. You are already a good mother for your child. Just follow a few rules to build a warm and trusting relationship with your baby:

1. Kiss and hug him often. The child needs tactile contact. This is how he feels your love for him.

2. Look into his eyes more often. Eye contact is just as important as touch. Look into his eyes with love and he will be happy.

3. Make time for him. Even 30 minutes a day of quality communication, when your thoughts are not busy with work or other worries, will give your child a sense of need.

4. Play with him the games he loves. Do not think about early development methods at this moment, just play and enjoy communication with your baby. Childhood passes very quickly, do not miss the opportunity to feel like a child yourself again.

5. Praise more often, criticize less. Criticism destroys even an adult, let alone a child.

6. Listen to him carefully when he wants to say or ask you something. You are now the main person in his life and he trusts you. Put aside all your affairs for a minute and listen to your baby. Do not lose his trust in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

7. Say nice words to your baby, that you love him, how you waited for him and that he is important to you. This will help him build healthy self-esteem.

Following these rules will help you figure out how to be a good mom. Listen to yourself, your baby and forgive yourself, even if you made some mistake. Goodbye and move on. Don't let this load of guilt ruin your relationship with your little one. And most importantly, enjoy this time. After all, children grow up very quickly, and childhood happens only once in a lifetime.
