Lust is a very longing desire. Usually they mean sexual desire, the thirst for possession of another person, but you can also desire other things, for example, a goal may be desired when a person anticipates and waits for its achievement, anticipating joy.

The danger of lust
Lust is such a strong desire that a person ceases to think logically and loses the ability to reason reasonably. It is as if a certain force takes possession of him, which attracts him to perform certain actions, which he himself may later even regret. It happens that a person who lusts for something realizes that he is moving to the edge of the abyss, but cannot cope with himself: lust is stronger than him.
The state captures him so much that he is not able to take into account any other things. The value system boils down to one thing: "I want it", and such motivational concepts as "need", "necessary" and "right" are simply discarded by consciousness. Lust is stronger than the arguments of reason and moral attitudes. The latter seem to be turned off by a person captured by passion.
Manifestation of lust
Lust manifests itself primarily in the area of the senses. You can compare this process with a magnet. There is a magnet and there is a metal object. A magnet attracts an object, and both are unable to resist, because this is the physics of these substances. Lust also "works" when it comes to people. This is a natural, animal sensation.
There is another form of lust - when a person ascribes to himself power over the object of desire, building fantasies in his head at his expense. This happens if the feelings have managed to get the better of the mind. A person likes the object of desire, he likes the pleasure he receives. After that, the process itself acquires an additional aspect: not only receiving pleasure, but also plans for receiving pleasure.
A person begins to think that the object of desire somehow belongs to him, that receiving pleasure from the process is his natural right. When (and if) this illusion collapses, the consequences are sometimes very sad and even tragic.
The fact is that a person captured by feelings is like a child. The object of lust seems to him as necessary as a toy to a baby, and it is impossible for both of them to explain anything. Take away the fun from the child - and he will cry, be offended, may even go hysterical if the toy was especially cute. The same thing happens with adults, only it manifests itself in a more dangerous form.
What to do with lust
Defeating lust is not an easy task. But indulging in it, allowing it to take over your consciousness is really dangerous. It is not for nothing that lust is considered sinful in all religions.
To cope, it is helpful to realize that everyone is not the most important person in the world. There are no desires that must be fulfilled in spite of the feelings of others. It is important to understand, no matter what lust concerns: power, another person, money or something else.