Time passes, everything changes, people acquire new knowledge, develop technologies, they have different views and priorities. What was at the peak of popularity yesterday will no longer be relevant tomorrow. New professions appear, displacing the old ones and requiring the training of appropriate specialists. And, of course, parents are concerned about the question of what skills need to be developed in a child today in order for him to be successful in the future.

IT sphere
First, information technologies are becoming more widespread. For a long time, programmers, web designers, seo specialists, system administrators and representatives of other professions, one way or another related to the computer industry, will be in demand. The abilities required by most of them are knowledge of the English language, logical thinking, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions. Web designers need to develop creative thinking along with logic.
Petrochemical industry
Secondly, the development of the chemical and oil-extracting industries is predicted. Therefore, in a few years, the demand for engineers in these industries will increase. These professionals need to be well versed in technology, have a deep understanding of chemical processes, know the basics of economics and technical English. In addition to studying the necessary literature, it would be nice to have people surrounded by people who know the necessary specialty from the inside.
Scientists consider ecology to be the next profession of the future. To work in this area, you need to understand almost all natural sciences: physics, chemistry, biology, ecology. From childhood, parents should develop the child's observation, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions. The child's attention should be paid to the fact that this is not theoretical knowledge.
With the growth of cities and the development of infrastructure, the need for architects is also increasing. Here you need to develop creativity, spatial thinking, observation and attentiveness. Making models of any structures can be of great help in this.
Beauty and entertainment
And, finally, the development of the beauty, health and entertainment industry is in full swing. This category combines completely different professions, ranging from doctors to tourism workers. Of course, doctors need to know perfectly well biology, chemistry, anatomy, psychology and other sciences that study a person, as well as be humane and be able to analyze in order to make correct diagnoses. For beauty workers, aesthetic taste can be added to the above skills. Entertainment professionals must be charismatic, creative, sociable, able to attract and retain a client. In developing these skills, speaking to an audience with various projects, an acting studio, the ability to analyze a desired issue and benefit from it will help.
Now you can imagine where you need to move, but do not forget that every child is a person, individuality, and you cannot impose one or another lifestyle on him to please his desires. Therefore, the above tips will be beneficial to those parents whose children are already old enough to independently show interest in a particular area, when the task of the elders becomes only to advise and guide. Those whose children are still small can be advised to start developing those qualities that will help them become successful in life, no matter what profession they choose. these "basic" skills include:
- purposefulness, - persistence, - patience, - willpower, - the ability to manage time and correctly prioritize, - diplomacy, - teamwork skills, - independence, - responsibility, - the ability to learn and openness to new knowledge.