How To Develop Finger Motor Skills

How To Develop Finger Motor Skills
How To Develop Finger Motor Skills

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In the human brain, speech centers are located near the centers responsible for the movement of the fingers. This is why good development of fine motor skills has a beneficial effect on the development of speech skills, as well as thinking and ingenuity. Below are some games designed to help not-so-skillful pens go crazy.

How to develop finger motor skills
How to develop finger motor skills


Step 1

Give your baby the opportunity to play with all kinds of objects, different in size, shape, texture, etc. As a rule, children themselves find the boxes, plastic bottles, sticks, pieces of cloth, paper and other "didactic aids" necessary for the game. In addition, any toy store sells a variety of devices aimed at developing motor skills, ranging from soft books with smooth, tinkling, rustling, velvet patches and various protruding elements, to a mini playground.

Step 2

It is necessary to teach the child to pour water from a narrower container into a wider one and vice versa. You can also help him draw water from the tap into a cup or use handles (strainer) to catch small objects floating in the bath. Of course, it is better to show him this game while swimming so that he does not get his clothes wet. There are special wind-up toys for the bath: floating crabs, fish, crustaceans, etc., which are even more attractive prey in the eyes of babies.

Step 3

Allow your child to play with bulk materials more often to develop finger motor skills. In summer, you can use the most common sandbox for these purposes. Show him how many different actions you can do with sand: pour it with your hands or with a scoop into buckets of different shapes, pour it from one hand to another, sift, sculpt Easter cakes, let him destroy them, try to make his own.

Step 4

Instead of a sandbox, you can use cereal for games. It is advisable to vary the type of cereal so that the child does not get tired of the game. Pour it from one dish to another, pick it up with a spoon or a scoop, load the truck, transport it, unload it. If the child tries to taste the cereal, replace it with salt. No kid will eat salt once they have tasted it.

Step 5

Develop your child's fine motor skills by playing with beads, buttons, pasta, beans, etc. At the same time, be sure to keep an eye on the baby, otherwise he may swallow something or stick it in his nose, and they will not be interested in fantasies and curiosity. The games are about the same as with rump. You can also make a small hole in a cardboard box with a lid and show you how to push the beads there, and put them in the egg trays. In short, trick it as best you can.
