Games for the development of fine motor skills are one of the most important games for children under two years of age. These exercises can be used from 10 months old, but it is important to supervise the baby and not leave him alone.

1. Pasta. For the lesson, you will need pasta with large holes (snails, feathers, tubes, large horns) and a long cord. For children under a year and a half, 30-40 pasta will be enough, for older children - twice as much. Invite your child to string pasta on a string. Do the exercise at least 2 times a week. If the child liked the exercise, you can do it several times a day until you get bored. After that, take a few days off and offer this exercise again.
2. Kashka. Place two shatterproof containers in front of your child. Pour some cereals (buckwheat, rice, peas) into one of them and give the child a spoon. Show how you can use a spoon to mix cereals from one bowl to another. After the child has moved all the cereal to another bowl, offer to transfer the cereal to the first bowl again, or add another cereal. The exercise is done for 20-30 minutes a day, 1-2 times a week.
3. Drawing. Take the shoe box lid and place a colored A4 sheet on the bottom. Pour semolina or other small cereals on top and invite the child to draw with a finger. You can draw with your child and write letters by saying them out loud. Do the exercise for 20-30 minutes (or until the child gets tired of it) several times a week.
4. Cinderella. Combine the peas and beans in a small box. Invite your child to select all the pea beans and put them in another box. Over time, you can increase the amount of cereals, as well as use smaller cereals (for example, buckwheat, rice). Do the exercise once a week.
5. Clothespins. The exercise requires 30 to 50 clothespins. Cut a circle out of thick cardboard and invite your child to use clothespins to make the sun. To do this, you need to attach clothespins around the edges. In the future, you can cling clothespins to the curtains, hanging rope. Be careful not to pinch your child's fingers. Start with 30 clothespins, gradually increasing the number.