People drink aromatic coffee in the morning to cheer themselves up after sleep. Some argue that even the smell of this drink can "wake up" the sleepy brain. To some extent, this is true. It has been proven that coffee has a tonic effect on the brain and the body as a whole. Is it good for pregnant women? After all, everything that they use is reflected in the fruit. Yes, and in the woman's body itself, there are some changes that are necessary for bearing a child.

Step 1
The vigor caused by coffee excites the human nervous system. In reasonable doses, this is good, but for ordinary people. Strong tonic and nerve-causing substances are contraindicated in pregnant women. Coffee can lead to excessive excitability, disrupt sleep, and cause rapid mood swings.
Step 2
If you drink it too often, then it helps to increase the tone of the uterus, which is fraught with miscarriage. In addition, drinking the drink leads to an increase in blood pressure. Since it is already high during pregnancy, this ability of coffee can harm the body. The same can be said for the ability of the drink to increase the heart rate. Violation of the rhythm of the heart affects both the condition of the pregnant woman herself and the embryo.
Step 3
Among the negative effects of coffee, it is worth noting its ability to remove calcium from the body. This microelement is very necessary for pregnant women to form the bone structure, teeth and nails of the baby. Therefore, even if you decide to drink coffee once, add milk to it.
The diuretic properties of the drink help to increase the burden on the kidneys. This is also undesirable for pregnant women. The already increased urination can lead to a violation of the water-salt balance and dehydration.
Step 4
Since everything that the mother uses affects the unborn child, the use of coffee also affects the embryo. The narrowing of the vessels of the woman's uterus after taking a drink limits the supply of oxygen to the fetus. This leads to hypoxia and brain underdevelopment. Sometimes a lack of oxygen leads to fetal freezing. Lack of calcium, washed out from the woman's body due to the use of coffee, disrupts the formation of bones, teeth and nails of the baby. The fetus is exposed to excitability after the mother drinks an invigorating drink. It has also been noticed that in pregnant women who abuse coffee, newborns are underweight.
Step 5
If you really feel unbearable, you can occasionally pamper yourself with a weak coffee with milk, but not more than once a week. If after this you feel unwell or other negative sensations, it is better not to risk it and completely exclude coffee from the menu. You can try replacing it with chicory root. This product is similar in smell and taste to coffee, but does not have such a pronounced aphrodisiac effect.