Mother's milk is the best food for a newborn baby, it ensures the correct development of the baby. Therefore, young mothers often worry that poor quality or insufficient fat content of milk may be the cause of the baby's malnutrition. There are certain ways to help you improve the quality of your breast milk.

Step 1
For the first three months after giving birth, a lactating woman must follow a certain diet. She is not as strict as it might seem at first. The diet of a nursing mother is similar to that of a pregnant woman. Food should be taken in small portions and as often as possible. After all, milk begins to arrive after mom has eaten. A breastfeeding woman should have a full breakfast, lunch and dinner. Additional food is added to them in the form of fruits, vegetables, buns with butter or a sandwich.
Step 2
It is strongly discouraged to use store-bought semi-finished products. The menu should contain only natural products: cottage cheese, fish, various vegetables, milk, beef, pork. Particular attention should be paid to walnuts, but you can eat them in small portions, since vegetable fats quickly penetrate into breast milk and the baby's tummy can react sharply to this.
Step 3
The fat content and quality of milk largely depends not only on proper nutrition, but also on the woman's mood. Is she getting enough sleep, is she feeling well? It is very important to walk in the fresh air as often as possible, to gain energy and strength. Avoid stressful situations, be less nervous, while feeding, you need to focus on the baby and the pleasant moments.
Step 4
Fifteen minutes before feeding the baby, drink a glass of warm tea with milk, dried fruit compote or rosehip decoction without sugar. A good effect for improving the quality of milk is provided by the use of nicotinic acid (40 milligrams twice a day). Brewer's yeast powder also improves the quality of breast milk and increases its protein and fat content. Before taking any medications, you should first consult with your doctor.
Step 5
The physical activity of a nursing woman should be minimized. It is believed that during hard physical work, the composition of breast milk changes, the amount of vitamins decreases and the quality of proteins deteriorates.