Recently, there is a huge selection of breast milk substitute formulas on store shelves. However, no product can replace mother's milk for a baby. And for successful and long-term breastfeeding, a woman needs to monitor the composition of breast milk, and if its quality decreases, take all measures to improve it.

Lactation teas, fresh and quality products
Step 1
Of course, the quality of milk also depends on the genetic predisposition. But this is far from the main reason for successful lactation. Let's look at several ways to improve breast milk. The first rule: a good mood of a nursing mother is the key to quality lactation. Try to keep your peace of mind and calmness. Stress and anxiety dramatically reduce the production of breast milk.
Step 2
Rule two - do not neglect lactation teas prescribed in the clinic. Even if they do not directly affect the amount of milk, herbal preparations, in any case, are very beneficial for the body as a whole.
Step 3
The third rule is proper nutrition. One of the reasons many women refuse to breastfeed is the reluctance to follow a fairly strict, but necessary diet. All sweets, red fruits and vegetables, foods that change the taste of milk (onions, garlic), foods that cause fermentation and, as a result, increased gas production (grapes, cabbage, legumes), citrus fruits, all carbonated drinks, any products containing artificial colors and flavors. It is especially important to follow such a strict diet in the first 3-5 months, while the baby's digestive system is not fully formed.
Step 4
And finally, the fourth rule - many mothers rightly notice that after a walk in the fresh air, milk arrives better, so, if possible, spend more time outside. And remember: breast milk is not only a food for your baby, but also his protection. Therefore, try to keep breastfeeding as long as possible, then your baby will be cheerful and healthy.