The health and development of a baby in the first year of life depends on the quality of breast milk that he feeds. Studies have shown that it contains substances that form the immune system of a growing organism. Therefore, any mother should take the issue of feeding her baby seriously. After all, it is known that the composition and volume of milk depends on its nutrition and regimen.

Step 1
Change your diet. Take food 5-6 times a day (the child eats exactly the same amount) 30-40 minutes before feeding. This promotes better lactation. The regimen should include breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.
Step 2
Diversify your menu. Eat more fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean meat, fish, herbs. Fruits and vegetables are necessary to replenish vitamins and minerals in the body of the mother and child. They are a source of fiber that stimulates the intestines. Babies often have digestive problems, so they just need dietary fiber.
Step 3
In the autumn-winter period (when there are not enough vegetables and fruits), take vitamin and mineral complexes, dried fruits, juices.
Step 4
For the same purpose, use more fermented milk products. They are recommended to be included for breakfast, afternoon tea and before bedtime. Fermented milk products enrich mother's milk with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which are simply irreplaceable in the digestion process. In addition, they stimulate the immune system of both mom and baby. And the calcium contained in such products is necessary for the formation of the baby's bones.
Step 5
To improve lactation, drink a glass of tea with milk or compote, broth of rose hips, infusion of caraway seeds or dill, tea with oregano or lemon balm, carrot juice 15-20 minutes before feeding the child.
Step 6
You can take hydrolyzate of dry brewer's yeast throughout the entire feeding, 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. It improves the quality of milk by increasing its protein and fat content.
Step 7
To improve the quality of milk, take fortified milk powder fortified with polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Step 8
To improve lactation, a full day's rest and a night's sleep of at least 8 hours are important. Plus, be more outdoors and in a relaxed environment.