In Russia, women are not drafted into the army, but they can go to the service themselves if they wish. For some, such a decision is a mystery, especially for a number of men, a considerable number of whom themselves would prefer to avoid serving in the army. What are the reasons women are sent to serve?

Material reasons
In economically depressed subsidized regions, military service is one of the ways to make good money. Moreover, this is often practically the only opportunity for those who do not have pronounced talents in other areas or a very good education.
Women and girls go to the army under contract, as they promise to pay good wages, and often there are also opportunities to get preferential housing. Additionally, those who serve in the army receive other benefits. This is a longer vacation and retirement somewhat earlier than for other professions. Various allowances are accrued to employees, thanks to which the pension is significantly increased. Social guarantees for the military are also better than for civilians.
The desire to get married
This is also one of the reasons, although not so common. A number of women say that they would always like to marry a military man, but where to find a suitable husband for themselves, if not in the army or in the service? There are quite a few women in military units, so the opportunity to find a partner is really quite large.
Even those who do not think about getting married still note the advantages of working in a male team: there is no eternal gossip and intrigue that reign in women's companies, the increased attention of men pleasantly warms the soul, especially if a woman is single.
Strong character and desire to get a certain profession
This is one of the main factors, which usually outweighs all the others when making a decision, although then it is a little forgotten. A woman goes to serve in order to benefit her homeland, she has a strong character and wants to prove herself.
Some professions are relatively easily accessible only to the military. For example, it is much easier to learn flying in a military unit and in a military educational institution. There are civil aviation educational institutions, but there are very few of them, not everyone is comfortable studying there. There are other professions that are much easier to obtain if you are a military man.
Sometimes these women have all military men in their families. The continuity and traditions are so strong that the girl does not see herself otherwise. She needs a military uniform to consider that she has taken place in life.
Not a very common reason, but it also occurs. Sometimes women leave the army, as military service is fundamentally different from the usual way of life. These differences are so strong that you can forget about everything, about any grief that could happen to a woman in life.