A military husband is pride, happiness, and an additional responsibility for his wife. The officer leads a life different from the life of civilians, his wife is also in slightly different conditions than the girlfriends of civilians. Before marrying a military man, a girl should think carefully about whether she will cope with this role with dignity.

Step 1
The military is not only a job, it is a lifestyle. It has always been that way. These are also garrisons, where there are no huge shopping and entertainment complexes dear to the heart of women. This is also a nomadic life, when you just get used to the place and make friends, and you need to pack your bags again.
Step 2
The officer always remains on duty, even when he crosses the threshold of his house in the evening. This is a world of its own with clear laws and strict rules, in which your husband is constantly and in which now you will also have to live. A military spouse must be one hundred percent confident in his wife, he deserves to have a "strong rear".
Step 3
You have to closely communicate with his comrades, because the friendship and mutual assistance of the military is strong. Therefore, learn to cook in large quantities in order to receive guests with dignity. Keep the house clean and tidy, because your husband teaches this to the soldiers and will not tolerate dirt in his home.
Step 4
Mostly in military families, patriarchy reigns. Ideally, the classical structure of the family: the wife is the keeper of the hearth and mother, and the husband is the breadwinner, the support. It is important for an officer to understand exactly the clear structure of your family, so that all relationships inside are laid out on the shelves.
Step 5
Perhaps the main thing in your life will be love for your husband and children, because you will all have enough severity in the outside world. Arrange an oasis of warmth and tenderness in the house so that the spouse can rest in it both soul and body. Only then will he be able to effectively carry out his official duties, and the bosses will mark his work with a timely promotion!
Step 6
The upbringing of the child will also be special, because he will have to repeatedly change kindergartens, schools and part with friends. You must explain to the child in an accessible way what kind of work the dad is doing, and how his family should help him in this.