Some girls see themselves in dreams only next to the military. They do not miss a single parade, wishing with all their hearts to become the wife of one of these marching beauties. Such girls need to remember that the most important thing that will help them in this is the ability to be feminine.

Step 1
Behave feminine, try to understand men, and you will attract them into your life without any effort. You can not only marry the man you need, but then, already in family life, maintain an atmosphere of love. You can avoid many problems and keep your spouse close to you all your life. Femininity is when a woman never ceases to admire her chosen one. Find new reasons for admiration in your man. Don't strive to be strong and independent. In this case, you will either attract weak and worthless men into your life, or you will be lonely.
Step 2
Love yourself. When a woman is happy and satisfied with life, then the man is already half happy. If you are unhappy, others will not be happy with you either. Even strong military men are drawn to confident women, so self-esteem is key in any relationship.
Step 3
Give up the pleasure of criticizing a man. If your goal is to get married, then focus on those men who, in principle, can and are ready to marry, and ignore those who are not ready for this (very young, married, etc.). Do not exchange for many.
Step 4
Don't rush things. Men are much more cautious about marriage. They want to make sure that this woman can become a friend, feel emotional compatibility. This learning process should take place at its own pace. By putting pressure on a man to make a decision, you make him doubt his choice.
Step 5
Show affection, warmth, romance. A certain look, a stroke, an unexpected kiss. Your handsome man in uniform should feel that he is your man. Emotionally reward him, praise the best, and don’t grumble about the worst. Be funny, easy, fun. Try not to be categorical in your judgments.
Step 6
In the initial phase of a relationship, give the man as much responsibility as possible. In the second phase, consult with him more often about your plans and desires. At the next stage of the relationship, elevate the chosen one as much as possible, motivate him to move towards your common goals.